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Everything posted by Purpose

  1. Hi, I have major problems with sequestration looming as a likely event. The whole thing sucks as I am being shafted via the terms of a commercial lease from 5 years ago, dispute has been protracted. The sum of money sought from me is substantial and is being disputed as the figures seem to have been plucked out of the air - but life goes on. If my adversary gets his way the sum owed will be akin to a telephone number. I wish to know if pensions can be claimed by a court appointed trustee (ill health government occupational pension award and private pension paid out early 5 years ago on grounds of ill health) as these plus DLA benefit (lower rate - I refuse to lie) are my only source of income. These payments are the only source of income for my wife and I. If the trustee cannot touch the pensions how do I get access to them? I assume I would be barred from running a current account if sequestered. The problem would seem to devolve to how do I pay the bills if no bank account? Are you allowed to divert pension (and monthly bills) to wife's account? Can I get pension paid as money order? There are prospects for me of returning to very limited part time seasonal work, possibly out of Scotland, elsewhere in Europe - not an attractive move, but might be necessary to survive - can a trustee rightfully claim this cash if earned overseas? Can I open a bank account in another European country? I have no wish to hide anything but I will have other "honest" debts to pay to other creditors (car and credit card), whom I am obliged to pay, and will be able to pay up (without difficulty) until the possible sequestration. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I have no problems with debts to Inland Revenue or VAT. I want to keep my little ship afloat if possible Purpose
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