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Everything posted by transistor

  1. "As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others"Audrey Hepburn
  2. Hi Tilly. Been reading this thread with interest and I'm so sorry to hear of your grandson's trauma. With all medication errors, the member(s) of staff responsible should have been suspended from their work with immediate effect, pending a thorough investigation. Suspension itself does not imply guilt but gives the investigating body a chance to get on with the work of taking statements from every member of staff who was on duty at the time of this incident. The Investigation Manager should then present the statements together with a detailed summary to the Responsible Person aka Discliplinary Chair, who will decide on further action. If this situation is taken to represent abuse, the Safeguarding authority of your local council should be informed. You can do this yourself. This could lead to police involvement. In fact, thinking about it, the Safeguarding Authority should be informed before an investigation commences as, if Safeguarding decide to inform the police, no other investigation can be commenced until the police have finished their enquiries. I have a feeling that CQC are going to be taking over responsibility for GP's surgeries. A phone call to them would not go amiss. They would certainly be able to point you in the right direction. The pharmacist involved with almost certainly have medical negligence cover through the MDU and would be advised to contact them. Good luck, Tilly.
  3. Delighted to hear that you have been so successful. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  4. What a dreadful story. I am so sorry for you all. Would it be appropriate for me to ask just a couple of questions? What, please, are 'contemporary standards of morality'? Exactly? Who and when visited your sister from the Official Solicitor's office and how did this person establish what her 'beliefs and values' are? Exactly? And finally, how can any of this possibly be in 'her best interests'? Exactly? I sincerely hope that followers of this thread do take up NoLegion's cause and let the Official Solicitor's office know their views. I understand that the Care Quality Commission is to undergo a thorough investigation following last night's programme. Perhaps it is time the same thing happened to the Office of the Public Guardian, the Court of Protection and the Official Solicitor.
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