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david Reed

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  1. Money claim submitted on 4-9-06 how long til I win???
  2. already filled in Dead chuffed I got through it! just have to help my friends and fmily now!? I read that lloyds is a pain!?
  3. Paid In Full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin: Monry went into account last wed (WAS ON MY HOLS CAMPING FOR 3 DAYS ) Letter recieved day after saying they do not accept any wrong doins blah blah but paid anyway!? Thanks for all the help, I will donate soon but I think I have had my overdraft taken away as I have also had to go through the cccs this month due to money problems so as the payment covered my 2 grand overdraft its kinda all gone already But hey I will donate as soon as I got some cash, or when the others I am helping get there cash?? this site is very helpful so deserves a donation !
  4. well sent it anyway? Damn looks like another 9 days now (going by other threads that had a last minute offer!? Its so annoying I have already told them I'm interested in nothing less than all MY money BAck!! :mad:
  5. are lloyds always this difficult?? your money claim was issued 2 months ago?? what a nightmare must really annoy u? 1 good thing though is they will have to pay u more for daily interest
  6. lucky duck, was the 14th the day it was issued or the day it showed up as issued on money claim e.g. Mine was issued the 15th online but the court summons letter considers the issue served 5 days later?? just curious as I am hoping mine pays up soon too
  7. Was thinking of writing this?! any advice? TIA Dear Olivia Morgon, Thank you for your 2nd offer of £650 in relation to a full and final settlement towards excessive charges for my account (ME acc. no. 12345678). As you state within your response "the charges we apply to your account do recover cost", then please send me a full breakdown and explanation of cost involved that justify the current charges. If not please be advised that I except this only as a partial settlement towards the full claim. The court claim issued to Halifax Plc on the 20th of August 2006, and acknowledged on the 23rd of August 2006 for monies owed will continue. Yours sincerely, ME :?
  8. mine was issued on the 15th (moneyclaim website showed this) but the claim form said it was considerd issued the 20th like yours, it became aknowledged after 4pm yesterday!? yours should appear aknowledged (or defending) today or tomo I would gues Bagsnballs! BUT!!!! Today had a letter from the halifax with a new offer??? WHAT THE.......! it is for 650 punds? QUESTION. Should I write to them again accepting it as partial payment or just leave it now and wait for them to pay up in full?
  9. not sure about the correspondents bit although it is not hard to put both names down so I would use both (sorry hope that did not sound patonising?? ) as for the account I opened a new one as a matter of principle, your taking your bank to court cause they have abused there positon in the effect of excessive fees! so yeah vote with your feet! but if you are a very busy person then I would also like to point out it has been known but as they wish to continue making money off you they will unlikely close your account! best of luk, not that you need any!! Dave x p.s. it is unlikely now that there are any questions not already answered on other threads so continue having a good read of them all!! well not all but as many as you can! lol it makes life easier for the mods too
  10. 23-08-06 sent LBA Hopefully as it is such a small amount they will pay before court action!!
  11. AKNOWLEDGED!!!! 23-8-06. seems I am possibly 1 day behind the average!? but still going like clockwork!! should have some of the cash back fri sat or mon I guess??
  12. HMm mine just says issued?? surely that means they must have recieved it by now?? should have got to them by at least the 15th?? :-o:-o
  13. Im hoping that the account no. can be found from my name address etc?? I hope so?
  14. as it is a data protection request as long as it gets to halifax then all the info that halifax the co. have on you will have to be sent. Although saying that some people have had problems. I would not sent it to the retail and collections dept. look in the threads at the top of the halifax section and send it to them. I sent mine to the customer relations address. )
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