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Everything posted by vicsterlou

  1. thank you so much for your help i will cancel my debut card and report as stolen and hopefully this will stop them from claiming any money . If they do not have my new debit card number they can not take any money can they ?
  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me I am with the Halifax so i will cancel my card and hope that they are unable to take any more payments. if they were NOT to add any more charges on then i could afford to pay pack the £400 within 3 months but i expect them to add Charges before they pass to collections. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that they do not take the moneys out once i have changed my card I have had problems with them taking it out early on two occasions i have called and complained but never got anywhere even though i have e mail eveidence to say which day i wanted them to come out. i sent a e mail complaining advising i would go to the OFT but heard nothing
  3. yes thats correct i know i sound so foolish i just cant afford to pay the £400 oput of my wages in one lump sum.
  4. Hi all, i have got my self into a pickle i took out a loan in August 2010 for £400 i have not been able to pay it off and have deffered it for 12 months and every month pay £117 so i have paid well over the odds for this loan. I have asked them to look at a payment plan but this is something they will not even condider they want the full amount which i just cant do. I can not change my bank account at all if i cnacel my card can they still try and collect my money ? i just dont know what to do without changing my bank. i am happy for it to go to a collection comapny as i find these easy to deal with Thanking you advance. Vic
  5. i wont go into too much deatil as it seems we are all having the same problems .. what i want to know is as they have my account details and debit card details how do i stop them taking the money out without changing my bank account ?? thanks Vickie
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