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  1. So just wait for them to turn up at his door again How do I find out exactly what fidelite are after as I'm really not 100% sure now after looking at credit report and not seeing them Also I send off a cca to Cabot and ask them to prove the 'debt' Sorry sound thick I just need to make 100% sure I'm doing it right Thanks
  2. No this is a different one. That always very and this is JDW So how do I stop this fidelite coming to my dads house as its a correspondent address as I'm moving around a lot at present l don't live with him. Trying to get on my feet in another town as more job opportunities Also the cca do I sent that to JDw, fidelite or wescot/ Cabot Thank you for your time ...
  3. Yea took the account with JDw in 2012 last used in 2014 nothing since and no payments I know that's wrong and I'm not proud of myself.
  4. I've had wescot and now these idiots at fidelite write to me, I don't remember Cabot writing to me at all
  5. Sorry what's a dsar? Have you got a sample or a template I can use
  6. So In regards to this fidelite door visit what do I do there, I know they will come again!! How do I find out what they are supposed chasing .. . And it says on my noddle credit report Cabot have the £1,200 debt on mailOrder the only other is Lowell who I'm fighting against now as they went for a ccj at Northampton on another account. So what is a lemon debt? I don't understand sorry, and thank you for all your replies
  7. So can I ring JD Williams and see what payment plans I can do with them. I can only assume it's JD williams as I don't have anything else outstanding that I know of Just checked my credit report and the JD willaims is actually with Cabot now!!?? As that's the only thing that's on there for £1200 There is no records of fidelite OR wescot on there ... What the hell!!
  8. Well I owe them about 1,200 from 2014 and have not made payment since then. I have no money coming in and can't pay them. I can't claim any benefits but get housing help.
  9. How did they 'aquire' this catalouge account then not sure what to say now but I'll stay off ringing them. Just hope it's not gonna turn into a ccj or have them pester my dads house
  10. So what's the course of action? They sent me a letter saying they would send someone and reading on here they said ignore they won't send..... Today someone has turned up at my dads. Do I ring them, do I ring the numbe on the blue calling card!! Stuck what to do next ... What's the course I take... They look like its come from wescot originally and now these have it Please help
  11. Hi guys I need some help. Today my dad phones me (as I don't live there it's just a correspondence address) to say a letter has been posted whilst he was out. It's hand written. So I ask him to open and its from these ... The new Scottcall.... Says 1st attempt and for me to ring them urgent... They have sent letter in the past few months and reading on here I have ignored them, however now they have come to the door I'm worried a little.... It's for a JD willaims bill of £1,200 which I know I can't pay, so what do I do, it's been sold on to them from wescot as I've had loads of letters from them. Do I phone them say I'm requesting and a cr thingy or do I just wait it out and see if they come again, and tell My dad to not let them in Help will be appreciated thanks
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