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  1. Thanks stu. I have found that before. As have said though there does not seem to be any reason for continual assault on my account. I worry about attempts at ID fraud. Realy wonder if has happened to others? Cheers. J
  2. Cheers but can you add anything more than a bit of censorship. Fun thing is I have nothing to hide thats wrong. Best regards. J
  3. I have been under a strange assault over past 3 months. Started with a my energy supplier Scottish Power (SP) calling me to say am leaving them when I had not asked to do so. They were as confused as self and reinstated direct debit dual energy account which is up to date and in credit rather than debit. Then letters to a Mr *** arrived at my address from British Gas (BG). As I am in flat x of No 5 I asumed this might be a mistake and might be a new tenant arriving who had done so and left letters on top of mailbox. No pickup. No sign of Mr ***. Then following week again had Scottish Power calling me for same reason! Same response from self then had letter from SP telling me I had changed supplier. I left that letter with a note on it on top of mailbox by the door asking if anyone knew why that was happening and e-mailed estate agents to ask if they had any newcomer who was confusing addresses. The agents said they would e-mail all residents to ask but then their cleaners took away the letter I had left and put a further letter addressed to Mr Chiu under my door. Since then I complained to agents over loss of letter and got a 'we dont deal with that' response and have since had to call SP again who said that I had to call BG to block transfer. Have done so and spent a long time on phone resetting deal with SP who are still receiving direct debit payments. I got a further call from SP last friday (about the 10th since this started telling me again I was leaving them) and another letter from BG to Mr Chiu on saturday. BG said they have some previous problems with this address in 2007. I moved here in 2008. I am in dispute with agents over a number of matters and have decided to leave. Since giving notice 3 weeks ago I have been surprised to find that I have been mailed by council tax to give final bill without my input which I can only put down to agents (again no problem as direct debit and rent by S.O) Agents want to renovate. I have pretty good advice from many quarters but does anyone know who could make money from upsetting utilities? Only connection I can imagine would be a juvinile attempt to delay me recieving my deposit or trying to hurt credit record. Has this happened to anyone else and if so have worked out why? Best to all. J
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