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Everything posted by mellowbird

  1. Thank you - I have it all on email and have refused to call them at all - I cannot make outgoing calls on my mobile and can't call them from work. I did try a lower amount but they wouldn't have it - so I can just set up a payment anyway? I shall do that and stop trying to negotiate with them, as they clearly won't negotiate! You have no idea how much you chaps have helped - thanks so much. I look forward to the day that all this juggling is over!
  2. Just a quick follow up - once they know I have cancelled the DD are they likely to be able to take any form of legal proceedings against me? Thank you!
  3. Thank you so Have just spoken to the bank - cancelled the DD and they're putting the money back in - had no idea it was that easy with a DD. You chaps just made me very happy. Thank you.
  4. Thank you all of you for your really quick replies - it's massively appreciated. I had no idea a DD could be reversed even though I have requested it - though it was just onj the off chance and I wouldn't get it. Thanks so much! I will obv. cancel the DD and set up as you say. Some creditors have been OK and am paying them - these people have been hell. I realise at the end of the day I only have myself to blame but believe me I did try all alterrnatives before going to them. I will remember NOT to write for help before checking DDs in the future - I feel so gullible. Thank you all of you for your help - will post back when I have an answer.
  5. I am workking - so no help there - am stuck in the middle, not earning enough but too much to get any help. I have tried all I can to get out of this mess. I have messaged the bank but I doubt they will help.
  6. I did cancel my card but unfortunately they were a DD which I stupidly didn't reember (I have been trying to fend off quite a few creditors) and they're just taken it out - I will cancel it now but feel completely shafted - I have been in constant contact with them and have offered to pay at all times. I just don't know what to do - am at work and feel completely awful and am at my whits end.
  7. I have been trying to set up a repayment plan with them as have found myself in financial difficulties. - I sent them a complete excel sheet with outgoings etc. together with a letter requesting interest freeze and an offer of a small monthly amount which they would not accept - I suggested a higher amount than I had at first offered when I wrote to them - they kept saying it was not enough (£20 a month - my debt approx. £580). They have just taken it directly from my bank account - as that's how it was set up right at the start of the payday loan agreement. I can't pay my rent, I have tried to negotiate in all the right ways and now I am depserate and don't know what to do. I have been in constant contact with them from when I first requested a payment plan and freeze of interest. Can anyone help please - I am depserate!
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