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Everything posted by LadyMaria

  1. Thanks, I have spoken to a legal advice person and they have suggested the SAR route, so I shall post my letter tomorrow, thanks for your advise
  2. Hi I have recently made a claim, for a fridge freezer, 2 weeks before Christmas and it took ages just to get an engineer out. I was frequently told different information each time I phoned which was many, many times, sometimes i was told some one would be out tomorrow. On the last time I phoned a chap told me that my claim had not even been looked at so no one would be coming, at this point I asked to speak to a supervisor especially as the chap I was talking to told me to 'do whatever I liked' when I suggested that I wished I had been insured with someone else. He said that there was no one available, when I asked his name he hung up! My broker is the caravan club so I rang them for help, they made enquiries and came back to me stating that the advisor at equity said he hung up because I swore at him, this in no way is true and now forms part of the details the Caravan Club hold on me. Equity have not apolagised, in deed all they have said is that it will be dealt with internally and I will not recieve any further feedback from them. If I cancel at this stage, which is what i want to do I will have to pay the full amount of fees to October and my broker wants £30 for cancellation. Can they lie about me like this and make me pay for the privelage of being distressed? Incidently I am a nurse and my reputation is of great value to me.
  3. thank you, it has been a long journey, but very worth while and satisfying. Couldn't have done it without this forum.
  4. :) Hi, all just to let you know, I had offers for all 4 of my claims 2 days before court, I still went as I had asked for cheques, the Judge ordered that the case be left open and that I could return at any time, should the payment not be recieved. Got all the monies, in full, refused to sign the confidentiality bit, and the donation to this site is on it's way. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this. Good luck to every one fighting the banks. I am going to take on the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Funding Corp now. Maria
  5. Hi, got 2 of my 4 claims paid today, so when the cheque clears, (got it specialed) I will ask the mods to move to successful claim and make a donation to this great site. Still waiting for barclaycard and monument to pay me as promised, we'll see. If payment arrives tomorrow, all well and good, but my post doesn't come until 12.30 and my court case is at 14.00 on Friday, that is my day off and I intend to go shopping in the morning. I am not sitting in just in case the cheque is in the post. It is not my fault good old barclays left it this late to pay out, especially when they know what they are doing is unlawful! I'll keep you all posted.
  6. I think they do think that we will go away, it is the only reason I can think that they do this. I got a cheque for 2 of my claims today and have put that through as special clearance, but my other 2 cheques are coming direct from Barclaycard and monument, (4 claims in total) I have been told that these have been ordered, I will go to court if they don't come and I don't have time to clear them. I will keep you posted.
  7. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/78871-successful-claimants-warning.html?highlight=N244 Hi, Julie checkout this link, don't be tempted to take shortcuts, they have been known to back out.
  8. Hi, Julie, good to see you are still at it, well done. Yes, carry on with the court bundle, I spent nearly 2 days and 2 ink cartridges, scanning and printing, now Barclays have settled today, my court case is this Friday, I emailed my acceptance letters today and they phoned me to say they are special delivering my cheques today, so that I get them tomorrow. However the nice man at Barclays said that 2 of my 4 claims would be coming directly from him, but the remaining 2 need to come straight from Barclaycard and Monument and I may not receive them by Friday, so if that is the case I am still going to court, with my letters of offer and acceptance to ask the judge to endorse the offer by making a judgement, so it is just as well that my court bundle is in order. p.s I only put in copies of the statements that had a charge listed. Good luck
  9. Hi, my court case is this Friday and Barclays have today agreed to pay up, my cheques should be with me by tomorrow lunch, (if not I am going to court). However I have re-read the defence they put on thier reply to my claim and it is very similar to yours, rightly or wrongly I ignored it and just kept going with my claim and finally I have arrived at the winning post, they emailed me my letter today which I signed and faxed back. I think this may be a standard defence and is mainly legaleese jargon, don't worry keep going as basically they have no real defence, they have been acting unlawfuly and they know it. good luck.
  10. Yes, I could not agree more, we are at opposite ends of the fight. today, having taken 6 months, Barclays are sending me my cheques, for 4 accounts/claims. My court case is this Friday, so they do go to the 11th hour, but they know they are wrong. Well done with the Halifax and good luck with Barclays.
  11. thanks. I phoned Thomas this morning and said that I cannot accept the offer they have made, we quickly agreed a figure that is close to what I am claiming, as my claims are 4 separate ones, 2 with Barclays, 1 barclaycard and 1 monument, he said that he can special delivery the 2 big ones for barclays, so that should be with me by tomorrow lunch, i am going to get overnight clearance on the cheques and hand deliver to the court cancelling the hearing for friday,on clearance, however, the smaller 2 have to come directly from barclaycard and monument, Thomas said he has no control over these, other than requesting they pay me, so I said that is fine, but I will still attend the court on Friday, I will show the judge our agreement letter but state that I haven't got the payment yet and ask he make the order in my order. So I very nearly there!!!!
  12. Sorry, but as my court date is so close, I was hoping for some support and my current thread title does not attract readers, I bumped it up a few times,but still no one responded, the title 'court Friday 13th' did attract some answers, I don't know how to change my thread title, is this possible?
  13. wow, thanks very much, I wouldn't have thought that. I will ask my husband to ask the bank to do a special clearance on it, otherwise I will definetly be going to court on Friday, I will explain to the judge that Barclays have failed to deliver in other cases, so I need the reasurance of a judgement.
  14. Thanks, If I have my cheque in my hand before Friday, and banked, therefore waiting to clear, I assume it is unlikely that the cheque would bounce,or should I still go to court just to make sure the order is made incase it bounces? Ofcourse, if I don't have a cheque to bank then I am certainly going to see the Judge. Afterall if the bank and I use email on Tuesday, I would expect my cheque to be special delivery by 1pm on Wednesday. Do banks still have the facility to special cheques?
  15. Hi, my case goes to court the Friday, Barclays have failed to submit thier court bundle, I wrote to them on Wednesday, by special delivery expressing my dismay and disapointment, I included an updated schedule of charges and reiterated that in order to avoid court they would need to settle in full by Tuesday. Low & behold there was a message on my ansa phone on Thursday, I rang them back at 17.35, and I think I just caught my guy before he headed off for his bank hols. he said that he had sent me letters saying they were settling in full and I just needed to sign and fax back. I got the letters today, for all 4 claims but sadly it is £930.88 short of what I am claiming. That is way too much for me to allow. Therefore on Tuesday morning I will be phoning him to say no thanks I would like all my money please. I will have to ask them to email me the amended offer, without a confidentiality clause, for the full amount and then I will sign. I am a nurse and I work long days on a very busy unit, Tuesday is my only day off,Wed &Thurs I am at work 07.30 - 20.30 so I cannot wait for the post, can anyone tell me if it is okay for me to scan my signed papers and email back, as if I am to write to the courts I have to have this sealed by close of Tuesday, I guess a scanned document is as good as a faxed one, they are paying me by cheque and I am not prepared to cancel the court until I have the cheque in my hand. Which means I will need it by Wednesday, the very latest Thursday. Incidentally, Barclays have all so asked for a copy of the letter cancelling the court with my signed acceptance, I am not happy to do that untill I have my cheque. Nearly there, thanks for everyones support. M
  16. any advise on the confidentiality bit, or sticking to my guns and not cancelling the court before I have my cheque?
  17. Hi, yes thanks for asking. Barclays have failed to submit thier court bundle, I wrote to them on Wednesday, by special delivery expressing my dismay and disapointment, I included an updated schedule of charges and reiterated that in order to avoid court they would need to settle in full by Tuesday. Low & behold there was a message on my ansa phone on Thursday, I rang them back at 17.35, and I think I just caught my guy before he headed off for his bank hols. he said that he had sent me letters saying they were settling in full and I just needed to sign and fax back. I got the letters today, for all 4 claims but sadly it is £930.88 short of what I am claiming. That is way too much for me to allow. Therefore on Tuesday morning I will be phoning him to say no thanks I would like all my money please. I will have to ask them to email me the amended offer, without a confidentiality clause, for the full amount and then I will sign. I am a nurse and I work long days on a very busy unit, Tuesday is my only day off,Wed &Thurs I am at work 07.30 - 20.30 so I cannot wait for the post, can anyone tell me if it is okay for me to scan my signed papers and email back, as if I am to write to the courts I have to have this sealed by close of Tuesday, I guess a scanned document is as good as a faxed one, they are paying me by cheque and I am not prepared to cancel the court until I have the cheque in my hand. Which means I will need it by Wednesday, the very latest Thursday. Incidentally, Barclays have all so asked for a copy of the letter cancelling the court with my signed acceptance, I am not happy to do that untill I have my cheque. Nearly there, thanks for everyones support. M
  18. Hi I am putting together my court bundle and the link to the OFT statement does not work, any ideas on where this might be please?
  19. Dan, sorry I kept hitting the wrong key on my laptop which kept submitting my reply, so it may have appeared disjointed, let us know if you phone him.
  20. Dan, if this was me, and I am no expert, I would phone him today, now and state you want all the costs, interest etc. I would remind him he has already had the schedule of charges and can there for work it out from there, the formula for working out the interest is =(C13*0.00022)*E13 on an excel spreadsheet, I would tell him I do not need to know how this works, I just use excel as do many people and the formula was given by CAG. Having read your postings, you stated as far back as Nov 06 that you had concerns understanding the spreadsheet and I believe that Mr Quin has read the threads and it picking on your weakness, as he sees it. Is the £4000 correct without the extra's if it is then just keep going with the interest and court charges. Well done so far Maria
  21. My case is not until 13th April and I am reading these threads with great interest. Stick to your guns, I will most certainly be taking the last piece of advice, be polite but adamant, after this is our money!!
  22. oh my goodness, I really wish you luck, have you phoned them. This really must be an over sight on their part. I am pretty sure they will not let this go to court. What I cannot understand is why Barclays think that pushing us to the line will change anything, i.e. we might back down, the court costs have been paid, the hard work of court bundles etc have been done, if we were going to back down then surely we would accept the half offer, ages ago. I do not understand the banks logic, but then I am a woman, and women don't do logic. My date is 13th April, bundle going off this Tuesday. Keep us posted and goodluck. M
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