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  1. Hi all. I had a nasty encounter with these idiots a few years ago after i saw an ad in a paper. All i wanted was more info on the course they offered and i got a home visit from 2 "tutours" instead. I got suspicious soon as i saw the tattoos on guy one's knuckles (the heavy) and the way he talked. Forceful and more like a preacher. They bullied me into taking the course when it looked like i may want more time to think about it and i became worried about being alone in my house with these thugs. I tried everything to get rid of them but they were so persistent. I even said i didnt have the money to start the course til the end of the month to which one of them took my bank details and walked outside to call the office to get them to run my details through in case i was lying, WITHOUT my consent. (WOW) Fortunately i didnt have much in there so it failed togo through so they asked if i had any money around the house. I honestly thought they were going to go through my things, they didnt want to leave without money. Thankfully they decided to leave me with a briefcase of (according to them) very expensive course materials to get me started on the agreement that i would make my first payment at the end of the month. Once they left i called my bank and told them no direct debits are to be honoured on my account as i believed i was the victim of fraudsters and got a new account within a fortnight. I then called Scheidegger to inform them i wasnt going ahead with there course which was met with a lot of hostility by the receptionist. I then got a call from the tattood "tutour" who was angry cuz i had the valuable materials still in my possession (briefcase). When i tried to arrange for him to collect it he claimed it was not returnable and i'd have to pay £300 for it. I told him i would do no such thing and he could try to take me to court if he liked cuz i knew they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. (Even my signature on their forms was forged by me but the dumbies didn't notice.) And did they pick up these materials? Nope. They sat outside my house in the rain for a week before i finally threw them in the bin. £300? As if. I urge anybody thinking about doing a course with these [problem] artists to steer clear. It isn't worth Jack! GO TO COLLEGE OR UNI.
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