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Everything posted by marles

  1. I still dont understand how ANY of the insurance companies can claim to cover for "Life" when they can cancel at the drop of a hat. We have some dogs who we know aren't covered and others who it doesn't matter as they has no pre-existing condition. This has messed us up cover wise and speaking to lots of other people who have young dogs on expensive treatment that will cease on the end of the policy date. It is the point that they refer to this cover as LIFETIME that gets me grrrrr, The more people that bombard the Financial Ombudsman the better, and somone on here suggested Watchdog and Martin Lewis, bet they will take it up!
  2. I would be very careful and check with axa, they might relate any tummy problems back to this problem. Good point about still paying out for existing customers??
  3. Hi All, Got my letter from the Ombudsman advising me that there is quite a wait for a reply due to a backlog of complaints generally. My complaint is that it states "Lifetime" as do all other insurers... Lifetime should mean that, shouldn't it? Why else would we pay extra? This is about ALL insurers, and from what I have read can happen in any company.
  4. I have cancelled everything now, reinsured with a mix of animal friends and axa, thought spread it around a bit. Reading the smallprint on insurance companies generally, they do have the right to cancel. However, I still have a problem with paying more for so called "Lifetime Insurance" It can't be right!!!
  5. Hi, I got my reply from Petguard today advising me to contact Thistle and then the ombudsman. I don't wan't to contact Thistle if I can go straight to the ombudsman can I do this? Also, having five saint bernards insured with Petguard of which three of thems runs out on the 18th, can I legally cancel my policy with the other two as I don't want to keep them with the company in case something happens to them? Does anyone know if this is legal? Thanks about the "7 days to cancel" bit, I have been trawling through online policy booklet and couldnt find anything. Like you say, the more that complain the better. Have put it on Facebook and had a few people who havent yet had "The Letter", so the more we put it on forums etc the more people will gather hopefully.
  6. Have just done quotes for three out of the 5 of my dogs. Is there no age difference in quote as the premium policy is the same?
  7. Thank you for your message. I hope you can understand how nervous we all are (not just on this forum but Facebook and general friends) of insuring with another company which has problems. I appreciate that some review sites only have "bad" ones. I would definitely consider using you if you could really reassure that you are bomb proof so to speak!
  8. Finally, got a quote which kind of suits us... Axa, pay a lot more for the 5 year olds but a lots less for the young ones, so balances out nicely. Still so angry as two of my older ones have had gastic torsion, which anything to do with their stomachs will be void, and trying to think what else I have taken them to the vets for? I need to do this letter of complaint to Petguard so I can get it registered to leave it in the hands of the ombudsman. Not holding out much hope, but we shouldn't sit back and take it. The more fuss we make, the more damage we do and stop this happening!!
  9. Has anyone heard of an insurance company named animal friends? They are about the only ones with the same cover for a reasonable price, but on a review site they come across as really bad. Just spoke to them and they said they had had some trouble with staff shortage in the past but are back on track now.
  10. It makes me so angry that they can do this to us!!! You pay premiums and play the game and they can get out as and when grrrrr. There must be a way we can all get together and complain. I have Saint Bernards and have several friends in the breed who this has happened to. Surely, they can;t do this to us??
  11. Really worried all day, good to know others are going through the same thing. Don't know whether to insure the ones that are okay with other companies or hold out. So angry that they can do this to us. I have recommended them to so many people and have felt obliged to contact them and tell them to change their insurance asap.
  12. We have had a letter yesterday to say our policy is being cancelled. I tried to look at my terms and conditions on my emails but it has been wiped and just says Under construction. So I cant even go in to see what policy we have with them. Our other policy with the other dogs on is still ongoing. Trouble is two of my dogs had gastric torsion last year so anything to do with stomachs and the like will not be insured now.
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