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  1. Good news everyone- Having written to Town & City parking (Though I had to write twice as they "lost" the first one) appealing the ticket they have replied saying that they "Note my comments and can confirm that the ticket has been cancelled" I asked for Photographic evidence which they obviously could not supply and also told them they would have to prove who was driving as I was not at liberty to disclose this information. Feels good when you beat them! Thanks for all the advice
  2. So....I have now recieved the "Notice to Owner" letter stating that if I donot pay the £60 plus a £10 admin charge thi debt willbe passed toa debt recovery agent that may result in a summons or writ being raised to recover the outstanding parking charge notice. If I want to appeal i have to write to them. They say " a response will be sent in writing". Can I request a personal hearing?
  3. The key I think was that the council agreed that if the ticket had not been issued at the scene then they couldn't have posted it because their guy had said he had issued it to me at the scene. The adjudicator was comfortable that with 7 photographs...at least 1 should have shown the ticket being/having been issued. The adjudicator concluded it was likely (given the evidence or lack of it) that the ticket was NOT issued at the scene. I know I hit a cord when I said "I feel it is important for people like me to appeal and succeed, otherwise it could open the floodgates for any dishonest traffic wardens to issue bogus tickets and just say "it was issued at the scene" ...surely because of this it is up to the council to prove the ticket was issued correctly. Otherwise how can we possibly have transparent and fair appeal hearings" The adjudicator did ask me if I was prepared to pay the 50% discount today to which I replied "no, purely because the ticket by default has to be invalid and thus no payment should be expected" The adjudicator told me afterwards that had I said yes ..... they would have asked the council if they wanted to accept my offer of 50% ......so beware.....do not offer to pay 50% at the appeal hearing if you truly feel the ticket is invalid!!
  4. Just to let you all know my appeal was upheld. The adjudicator agreed that the council had not followed procedure and as such agreed with my appeal. Nothing to pay.... Thanks for all your advice Cheers
  5. He had some photos of my car before i arrived back, 2 of me sat in my car ready to go and 2 of the back of the car once I had drove off. I can only assume he binned the ticket once he had finished issuing it Could I request they view the CCTV Cameras that are on the street as this would prove conclusivley that I was NOT served with the PCN?
  6. Hi everyone I've got me appeal hearing on Tuesday. Just to confirm..... My appeal is that no S.9 was issued at the scene or by post even though the traffic warden states in the papers I have recieved from the local authority that they handed me the ticket at the scene!. This blatant lie has made me even more determined to win this. This is proof that no ticket was issued by post as the authority do not even claim to have done this - only that the ticket was handed to me at the scene. They have sent me 7 photohraphs and not one of them shows the ticket on my car or the ticket having been issued. Surley if the officer had issued me with the ticket at least one of the 7 photos would have shown this!! I'll let you all know how I get on. Incidentley - what does S.9 & S.10 stand for?? Thanks
  7. also...how will they get my employers address?
  8. So will they write to my employers and if so who "may" end up in court....me or my employers?
  9. So...if I do not pay it what will they do? It says "failure to respond will result in civil action being taken to recover the parking charge (together with any judicial expenses that may be incurred) My car is a company car so they will probably chase my company for the money Is it really non enforceable??
  10. HI I've just noticed a parking ticket attached to my windscreen by Town & City parking Ltd for £60 (reduced to £30 if paid within 10 days). This was from this morning when I parked at asda.I didn't even know I had to pay to park at Asda. The ticket says I was parked with no valid ticket. I have just been back to Asda and can now see the notices saying you have to buy a ticket for £1 that is refunded in store. Who are Town & City parking Ltd and are these tickets legally enforceable? Thank you
  11. Hi a friend of mine has been threatened with eviction by the local housing authority. His wife recently passed away. She was the tenant on the tenancy agreement. My friend has lived there for 25 years. Are the council able to do this or does the tenancy automatically pass to next of kin? Sorry I do not have more details but I only heard this in a very quick conversation Any advice would be appreciated as my friend is quite rightly very concerned. All he has in his name is a sky bill that shows him living at the address Thank you in advance
  12. Thanks for all the posts. I knew I would be condemed by some for parking in a disabled bay and I understand your comments when you say I should just oay the fine as I asked for it. It was 5:50pm though and the 2 disabled bays were the only ones free out of a total of 5 bays on the street. I didn't think there was a great chance of the 2 disabled bays being needed at that time on a Wednesday night. I think I will appeal though.........is the following paragraph from coupon the best angle to use? QUOTE Reg 10(4) Gen Regs 3483 4) Subject to paragraph (6), a regulation 10 penalty charge notice may not be served later than the expiration of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which, according to a record produced by an approved device, or information given by a Civil EnforcementOfficer, the contravention to which the penalty charge notice relates occurred (in these Regulations called “the 28-day period”). QUOTE Thanks
  13. Hi 6 weeks ago I parked in a disabled parking bay to pop into a shop for lierally a few minutes. I came out to find a traffic warden in the process of issuing a ticket. I ran over and told him I was moving. He told me it was too late as he had already doing the ticket. He was, at this stage still printing the ticket out of his hand held ticket machine.I got in my car to drive off to which he shouted "you can't do that until i've given you the ticket" I drove off whilst he frantically took photos of my car. I assumed I would hear nothing else as the ticket had not been placed on my windscreen and so I thought had not been "issued" My car is a company car that is on hire. I have today recieved a notice from the local parking partnership stating I owe £70 for the offence. It states that "The person appearing to be in charge of the vehicle was served with a penalty charge notice which allowed 14 days for payment of a 50% discounted penalty charge" Was the ticket actually served or do I have grounds to appeal? I know I shouldn't have parked in the bay for the 5 minutes or so..... but £70 seems a bit steep when i did not have a slip to pay with within the 14 days as the traffic warden still had it! Any advice would be appreciated Thanks
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