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  1. No it's not, Andrew...Thanks for help and interest...M
  2. Hi all, Yes thanks Caro ....will use it ! Speak again soon, Regards, M
  3. Hi, I will do it if there is no other way - not just idle threats ! Does anyone know if it is actually legal as the loan agreement is between me and Wessex loans, as I have not breached any of their conditions ? Thanks, M
  4. Hi everyone, I have a new problem in addition to my ongoing Repossession case !My local council have informed me they are withdrawing the loan, arranged through them and finally agreed in November 2011, as they have been informed by Swift that there is a Repossession hearing ongoing and so they have withdrawn the funding agreed! The loan was due to the fact they had stopped doing grants for housing renovation/repairs for which I had been on the waiting list for 2 years.I was then told I could instead access £8000 for essential repairs to my roof and Wessex Loans would put a charge on my house.This was done and signed and sealed in November and I had scaffolding go up and some essential emergency repairs were done (£1750), and the main work was scheduled in the better weather in March/April this year. The scaffolding stayed up. When Swift notified both the council and Wessex(due to charge already on), the council contacted the roofer and told him to not do any further work - with no explanation! He naturally contacted me and I contacted the council. I pointed out that I have a very good case against Swift etc. etc. and will not be repossessed BUT even in worst case scenario, all it would mean for the council would be that they would get their money back quicker, as I have over £100,000 equity ! They replied they had taken legal advice and could not risk council money. The next day I got a letter from Wessex regretting the turn of events and saying they will remove the charge ( Probably tomorrow- unless I can stop them!) I have written back to the council and am also mentioning their liability for work already done, scaffolding etc.and appealing to them again to reinstate the loan, as I desperately need this work done as the roof is very bad, and this was the only way I could get it done! I intend threatening to contact the local government ombudsman. Can they go back on the agreement like this? Is it legal? I am devastated as I now have yet another fight on my hands, alongside Swift! Any info. or suggestions very welcome! Many thanks !
  5. Hi Determindator, You are quite right about it all ...Sadly, my" new hope" solicitors can't or won't help with the limited funds of Legal Aid They also said they could initially but once in possession of paperwork from me, they all seem to shy away from Swift! My son was not signature to the loan - just me. Any thoughts much appreciated - you or anyone... Regards, Mariknub.
  6. Hi Deterindator, Thanks for your interest. Please P.M. me and I will reply today and remind me how to reply to a P.M. as I still know how to access P.M's ....all very ongoing and urgent!
  7. Hi Shoops and anyone with an M.P. helping them with Swift problems, arrears, repossession etc., Have just got an appointment with mine and the secretary asked me if I had any names of M.P.s already involved to speed things up etcso they can share info etc. instead of starting all from scratch...(makes sense!) So, can anyone help with just giving M.P's name and constituency please? Many thanks, M.
  8. Hi Caro, Should all Swift Advances customers have been notified about this as I have heard nothing at all recently from them ? I sent the OFT the last letter I received from them mentioning interest, fees etc but have heard nothing back other than automatic acknowledgement... Has anyone ever contacted their supposed regulatory body "The Finance and Leasing Association" to complain about them?( As Swift mentioned them themselves ,I cant imagine they'd be very helpful1) Is anyone receiving regular letters/phone calls as usual or has it all gone quiet for everyone? Also, did anyone else get their secured loan through Personal Loans of Bristol ? Hoping for some news, M.
  9. Hi all, I also got a similar response from OFT re my complaint about Swift. I already spoke at length with FOS, who said they could do nothing as my loan was over £25000 and CAB could not help either....Is there anyone who has been helped by them? Is there any news re Dougal's point on illegal trading name etc. and implications? Let's all keep fighting ! MK
  10. Hi Caro! Just read your response- thank you for replying quickly. They did send me a copy of letter, which is long and typical legal speak all about unfair treatment, mis-selling without checking affordability etc. I believe they will reply to solicitors rather than me - they have 21 days I think. Will send a copy if you like but need my son's help as not too good with computers! Am less panicky as trying not to anticipate the worst....Will fight on with your help at CAG! Many thanks, M
  11. Hi! Rosling King LLP, 10 Old Bailey, London wrote to me on behalf of Swift on 9th June informing me if I did not pay £5624.39 of arrears, plus their costs of £16 up to then, by 5.30 on 17th June,they would "commence proceedings for possession and sale of my property and recovery of arrears and costs, without further notice"!!!!!!! Obviously I was horrified and immediately got back in touch with Community Legal Advice team I'd already been in touch with as they had told me if things moved into talk of repossession, they would pass me on to a law firm to help me fight. This they did and so I am with a solicitors company up north, who are helping under the Legal Help scheme which gives a very limited amount of assistance, initially met by the Legal Services Commission. They contacted R.K. to suspend the repossession action pending their investigation.They have just sent a letter to Swift attacking them on "unfair treatment/ mis-selling etc" If Swift do not co-operate my solicitors will not be able to continue representing me with no money from me!They tell me it is very difficult now to get Legal Aid for cases like this.(Estimated cost if it goes to court is £12,500) !!!!I would need to put £500 deposit down to continue! BUT I HAVE NO MONEY!!!!!Just my £120 each week pension which I struggle to pay everything from!(This is making me feel sick as I write about this...) This is where I'm at for now...Swift has 21 days to reply apparently. Am in panic mode but fighting still! Any suggestions/advice anyone? Also, I keep wondering about implications of the illegal use of trading licence during 2004-Nov 2010 affecting defaults and even contracts??? please does any legal expert know about this?? Thank you.....Yours, in desperation M.
  12. Thanks! I do have some equity in my home so if I can't get legal aid due to being on Pension Credit, wont be able to fight if it goes to court etc.....Have to try not to worry about that yet as all this is making me ill.....so much stress with them for over 2 years! Waiting to hear more about implications of the illegal trading name during 2004-Nov.2010 which certainly affects my case. Thanks for good wishes!
  13. Hi Dougal, I posted my story on Swift yesterday (5/7) and having read your letter above, am wondering about implications re. contract, default, repossession threats etc.(both my contract in 2007 and original default in 29/1/09 come under this illegal non-licenced situation). I have also lodged a complaint with Debbie and John of OFT but heard nothing yet.... Have you?also, any suggestions for my case would be much appreciated! Thanks for any help....M
  14. Hi everyone, I posted about Swift back in May and had a little contact by PM with Ell-enn (Thank you) and Maybelline (again thanks) but not sure what happened since then but failed to have any more comments or suggestions at all....as I'm still new to this I probably did something wrong! Anyway, I am another Swift victim of terribly unfair charges, fees etc. with a default dating back to their illegal period from 2004 - Nov. 2010, dated 29/1/09. My broker fees etc. were also added onto the original £30,000 not deducted like it says on the contract, and so accruing even more interest etc. When I took out this dreadful loan secured on my house, my financial advisor gave me no advice about the dire consequences of such a loan and it was supposed to be a temporary measure to be later put onto my lower interest mortgage, but it never happened.... I was 58 at the time and the term goes up to age 88! I didn't realise the problems I would have once retired and only surviving on £120 per week for everything! When I turned 60 and retired due to lack of supply teaching in my area, I could no longer continue paying £366-17 per month and got Swift to grant me reduced payments of £88ish p.m. but never realising the consequences of arrears building up so fast with daily interest and charges, fees etc! This ended up with many many months of threats and trying to force me to sell up.(Enormous stress!) Finally, I got a solicitor's letter from Rosling King informing me proceedings were about to start for repossession due to arrears of approx.£6000, unless I paid them immediately and resumed full payments. I got legal help from a solicitor to suspend this, pending their investigation for unfair treatment etc and this is where I am at right now. I have no money for legal court fees etc and this initial help is free but very limited.in time/money allowed.I think I would get Legal Aid if Swift do try for repossession anyway, but not sure best way forward in the light of latest brilliant news about OFT etc.(Sounds like some sort of Karma to me!) Some figures: Original loan in 2007 - £30,000 Plus broker fees etc -£32,230 Interest charged to Feb18 2011 - £14,860.23 !!!!! Fees +Charges - £997 Less payments received - £9,121.52 Outstanding balance at 18 Feb.2011 - £38,965.71!!!!!!!!! (This will be even worse since this last statement!!!) Sorry this is so long! Any suggestions? I have lodged my complaint with debbie kitcher @oft.gsi.gov.uk as suggested and really hope they get their just deserts! Thanks all... M
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