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  1. Hi all, New member here, who would appreciate some advice. I'm coming to the end of my 12 month TA and am now negotiating a new one. I'm happy to stay in the property but I know that the LL is getting itchy feet to sell at least one of his properties in the long term (he has other properties besides mine). I discussed this with the LA and they advised that I could ask for a 24 month TA with a 12 month break clause for safety. I'm a bit concerned about such a long period before the break clause kicks in. I don't have money worries but you never know. If I needed to leave before the 12 month break clause starts, then what would I be liable for: missing rent up to the end of the 12 months, or would it be up to the end of the full 24 months? Cheers in advance!
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