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Everything posted by evelynwaughwasaman

  1. Fair comments. There is no bickering from me though. I just think it’s unfair that anyone reporting an OK experience when dealing with a PDL is branded a fraudulent account or a non-legitimate poster. The intention of these boards is to help and advise people in similar situations that you’re in/have found yourself in – whether it be good, bad or otherwise.
  2. I don’t really understand your comment. I don’t think (?) I can post my screen caps to the forum but as I said I’m happy to email these to anyone wanting to see.
  3. Well I certainly don't work for them and was just being honest. If nothing else just for anyone who is in a similar situation to know that of all the horror stories you read about PDLs, it doesn't always have to go that way. I'm happy to email over my screen caps to anyone that would like to see proof of my comments. Also, it should be noted, that in my case they did add a load of charges to my total. It incurred just over £180 in charges but I refused to pay it from the outset.
  4. Well done, great news! And thank heavens for the understanding landlord!
  5. Hi and welcome. I have had no personal experience with Quick Quid so someone else will need to advise you on them. I have however had dealings with Wonga and TXT Loan. First and foremost you should email each of them advising them of your situation. I would acknowledge that you’re aware you have not paid anything to them in the last few months but make them aware that this has been down to stress and worry. When I was dealing with Wonga and TXT I did not submit any expenditure information; however a lot of posters on here recently have indicated that they’re asking for these more often. They might come back to you and request this and as far as I’ve read the best thing to do is include as little information as possible – only monetary values incoming/outgoing. I have to say that my experience with both of these companies were fairly timid in comparison with some of the things I’ve read online. You have to be firm with them though and let them know that the interest/charges/any other fees are too much for you to afford and you won’t be paying them any more than the original loan was for and one month’s interest. You should ask them to accept your offer and make it clear that you do wish to honour your debt but that things have just got on top of you. Make it clear that you’re suffering financial hardship and simply cannot afford the sums they are asking along with your other monthly commitments. I found TXT to be very accommodating actually – I used one of the templates from the library here and edited it slightly. They accepted my terms and I only paid back the original loan amount with no extra fees. With Wonga I was a bit like you – I ignored it for about six months before getting fed up of the letters and realising how ridiculous I’d been. I emailed their generic address and go a reply from a guy (can’t remember his name; will check paperwork later to confirm) who asked me to call his direct dial. I know phoning is the number one thing to never do but he was actually really helpful and I got email confirmation afterwards and managed to settle the debt, which was about £600. Things to remember: don’t offer to pay more than you can afford, make them sure you do wish to get this resolved asap and make sure they’ve agreed to your terms (ensuring they won’t raid your bank account come pay day!)
  6. I have to agree about them being reasonable and easy to handle. I emailed them yesterday morning and within ten minutes received back a notification of receipt with a reference number. The next email came about 8pm with a link to the email trail and their reply on it. They agreed to all my terms for a repayment, provided their bank details and didn't add any charges. The only thing I find a bit strange is you don’t get the reply in an email format, instead is comes in a link to a webpage that holds the email records. I print screened this and copied/pasted the text in a Word document just for my own peace of mind.Huge weight off my shoulders though. Can’t really fault them in terms of approachability.
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