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  1. I'm just now having same problem with a camper can sold ten years ago, can you share the template letter you refer to?
  2. No we don't have anything, all the docs went to the new owner, the vehicle was sold over 10 years ago and that's the bugbear, if it was still registered to my husband surely we would have received something from DVLA (tax reminder, new V5C) during the last ten years.
  3. My husband sold a tax exempt VW campervan in September 2003, sent off the registration slip as is required at the time. A couple if weeks ago he received a letter saying they were incurring a penalty notice as he didn't notify them of a change of owner, which of course he did. We sent a letter explaining when it was sold but due to the length of time that's passed we no longer had details if the new owners details other than the eBay users name and the date. We've now received another letter saying "although you have indicated you are no longer the keeper if the vehicle the department has not received notification of this. When the dept is advised that the keeper of the vehicle has changed we send an acknowledgment letter within four weeks of notification. It is a matter for you to pursue this letter. Details of this process can be found on the V5C." I need to respond to them by letter, however, at the time vehicle was sold it was just a V5, so to whom did they send out the new blue V5C to, at the time it was sold it was also SORN registered, we have never received the tax/SORN reminder for this vehicle, if it was registered in my husbands name still surely we would have received the reminder? Can anyone advise how I should respond to them?
  4. Dear All, update, SUCCESS!! Call today from chap at FRADS to say that RCI have accepted my proposal for payment, however, it does remain to be seen (when I get the letter) about how they intend to handle the discrepency of £300 or whatever it was as the figure they provided me with was in fact incorrect as pointed out by FRADS! Of course my proposal was set out on the figure that they had provided me with, if therefore they have accepted my proposal, then this would indicate that they have not 'added' on the amount they failed to inform me about. Common sense prevailed, now all this could have been avoided if they had simply been prepared to discuss this with me over the phone!! A massive thanks to everyone for their advice and support. Glad it's all over now and I can get back to normal. Tracey.x
  5. Dear All, sorry, I meant to come on here to update one and all but have been mega busy, anyway, here's what has happened. Chap from FRADS called me as promised on Monday evening, I said I had not refinanced as I was not prepared to increase debt further and I was also not willing to voluntarily surrender vehicle, therefore, they could take me to Court. I have to say he was rather taken aback, he tried to tell me that the solicitors fees could run into thousands of pounds and asked if I was prepared for that or if the 'advice' I had been given had informed me of that. I advised him that I did actually work for solicitors and was well aware of their extortionate costs, however, as I was willing to make the payments WITHIN the original term of the agreement (i.e. only 8mths left to run), I doubted very much that this would even get to the hearing stage thus the costs were practically non existent!! I got the impression that he was rather shocked that I had done my homework on this matter. I said that a Judge would clearly see this was not a case for a repossession and whilst he may make a ROG order, it was inevitable he would suspend the same and the payments would continue as set out in my proposal to RCI. Anyway, when he realised I was probably right, having read to him the fax to RCI which was also sent via recorded delivery, he said he would put in his 'report' and recommend that this is not taken to Court for the above reasons. I have to say at this juncture, he has been fab!! Anyway, he called me as promised on Tuesday evening to tell me that he had put his report in and RCI had not come back to him with a 'no', they were considering the proposal. A text from him today to tell me that RCI have informed him that they will have a decision by next Tuesday, in the meantime, I said I wanted to pay the first payment today, 26th, as this was what I had proposed to RCI, he provided me with the relevant details as I was at work and asked that I give him the payment authorisation code when received so he had this to hand for his discussions with RCI. I have, after several failed attempts via their website, managed to submit the first payment to RCI. Chap from FRADS seems to be quite hopeful that this proposal will be agreed by them. Ooohh, by the way, another thing which happened when he called me first of all was that RCI had in fact provided me with a completely wrong amount, they had told me it was £2985 odd pence or thereabouts but they had informed FRADS that it was in fact about £350 more than that, this he said would also go in my favour and he would put that in his report. So, there we are, still in limbo a bit but will know by next Tuesday. I decided not to apply for a Time Order purely as I didn't think it would make any difference to the outcome of this case and furthermore, it meant a Court fee of £70 I believe that I can ill afford. Of course RCI could still insist on being complete t***ers about this and refuse which would inevitably mean I have to go to Court anyway but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you to everyone so far, will keep you posted. Tracey.x
  6. P.S. Fighting Bull, found a copy of the original agreement but is only a very poor photocopy, goodness only knows where the actual original one has gone!
  7. Thanks Ell-enn, for the normal 'lay person' common sense prevails but we are dealing with idiots to my mind!! Anyone have any ideas/templates for a letter to the Court/Judge when I return the forms that will inevitably come in the next 2 or 3 weeks, I really want to get the point across that a) I am willing to pay, b) I did not receive the Default Notice (despite them saying they sent it!), c) they never wrote to me as stated in their repudiation letter, d) 8 months remaining on the term of the agreement and only 2 missed payments!! Really want to get the point across that I have offered payments which they have refused. What worries me is that they will argue that they tried to contact me, which of course they did, but I'd get the message then mean to call, get in from work at 6pm, deal with the kids, taxi the kids here there and everywhere then forget to do it or realise too late to call them, excuses yes, should have made it a priority, certainly, it can be seen from previous posts (and they have this in their records) that I believed the matter to be done and dusted!! Anyway, thoughts/input on ideas for defence letter much appreciated. As always, most grateful to all have posted on here and made me see there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  8. ok, I will try and upload the agreement later on this evening, am at work at the moment, back on tonight. If one thinks about it sensibly, it is clear that there is very little time remaining on the agreement in any event, having paid just over 4yrs on a 5yr term, I'm sure as I am offering payment a Judge would no doubt advise them to accept but if I am wrong please correct me?
  9. P.S. Another concern is that this chap from FRADS has only given me until next Monday evening, when he will call me back, to either come up with the cash or VS before he informs RCI to go to Court, if I write to them giving them 14 days to reply to my letter (on previous post) before I make an application for a Time Order, when they hear from FRADS they will no doubt simply submit their application anyway, thus, they will have their application in before the 14 days I have specified!! To this end, is it simply not better to just wait for the Court papers and complete the forms offering payment then?
  10. Stress stress stress! Honestly, if I had the funds to buy another little car I would VS the financed one and get rid of the stress at the same time, that's not an option so just got to deal with it. I will send them another letter today, however, what concerns me is that when I did speak to them on Tuesday evening, they just kept reiterating that they had repudiated the agreement and once they had done that they wouldn't reinstate it. This does cause concern as if I try to make a payment on 26th May they are just not going to accept it. I don't know how to find out their bank details to do it as a transfer?
  11. So, do you think it is actually worth sending a further letter to them tomorrow informing them that if they fail to respond to my letter of today within say 14 days I shall be making an application to the Court for a time order. Also, do I apply to my local court or theirs which would be watford, mine is about an hour's drive away from there so will be difficult to get over just to submit an application?
  12. Thanks, am going to look this up now. Can I apply for a time order before they put in their application?
  13. Thank you, doesn't sound that promising now somehow!! I will read up on the time order you mention later on this evening, I do recall seeing something about this on DirectGov.uk earlier on today but to be honest I didn't pay much attention to it because I was specifically looking for a Return of Goods Order which is what RCI told me it would be. Thanks, I shall be back on later.
  14. Yes, I think their chances of success are small but you never know, I work for a firm of solicitors and we all know that the judgement made by a Judge depends on what mood they are in on that day!! I just hope I get a reply soon to my letter I sent them today. Stubborn buggers!! I am however going to retrieve the original agreement from the 'abyss' of the file box later on this evening though and go through it with a fine toothed comb. The annoying part is I could get free advice from work about it but it's not really what you want to go to them for is it!?!?!?
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