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Everything posted by ricky666

  1. Anyone got any ideas on the above questions?
  2. I have a question regarding wills in Scotland. My father was made trustee of a will of a family friend in 1998. He has recently passed away. Since his death, another person has came forward to claim to being a trustee. However, the solicitor dealing with his estate had claimed there was no will. What steps should the solicitor be taking to check if there is indeed a will? Also. it has been brought to my fathers attention that the other supposed trustee has been sen taking items from the deceased persons home. Should he be doing this at the present moment? Also, a good friend of the now deceased person has contacted the solicitor saying he had made a will in Australia. How much influence does this will in Australia, if in order, have on the estate in Scotland?
  3. Sorry about the duff posts. I had to get my posts up to PM!
  4. What info is it you would need Graeme? I assume my address will be one, and the name on the account as well!
  5. Thanks for getting back to me Graeme. Need to get my post count up before I can PM I think!!
  6. Both of them were SP keys. Same colour, and the previous one was still sitting in the meter. Its a housing association home, and it must have been one the workmen were using who were there before i moved in! I got my key from the housing officer when I picked up the keys for the flat!!
  7. It was a £10 top up, which would seem stupid to go to court about! I had tried to call through on the number I had for them. But I hung up after waiting for nearly 20 minutes on my mobile for an advisor!
  8. I wonder if anyone knows if a top up went onto the wrong top up key, could the money be transferred onto the proper key for a prepayment electric meter? I still have the paypoint receipt from the wrong key being topped up. I have just moved property, and the previous key had been left in the flat. Unfortunately my mum took the wrong key to top up the electric!!
  9. Anyone got any ideas? If I am right in saying, if a notice period is wrong, an unfair dismissal case could be brought?
  10. Hi, I had a quick question I am hoping someone might be able to help with. Its regarding the notice required if a person is dismiassed under an Incapacity Dismissal. If a person starts in one NHS Health Board and works for 5 1/2 years, then moves to a new job in another NHS health board, with the normal continuous service entitlements,and works there for just over 4 years, would that employee be able to request the minimum notice period for the whole 9 years service in the NHS, or would the notice period be just for the 4 years in the current post? I understand it is one weeks notice for each complete years service. It was a straight forward case of moving from one job to the other. The continuous service arrangements stood for Holiday entitlement, sick leave, and pension. It also comes into effect if redundency ever came into the equation, but I can't find any info for continuous service and notice periods if jobs had changed and incapacity dismissals! Thanks Richard
  11. I have emergency credit. Unfortunately Im using it just now. The top up was to take me back out of the emergency credit I had been using. Well it would have done if the meter had accepted it!!
  12. I was hoping somebody could shed some light on something for me. And also to see if anyone else has had the same problem. I have a pre payment meter from Scottish Power for electric. On a few occasions, I have topped up, and when I have inserted the key into the slot in the meter at home, the amount I had topped up did not register. I had been told that I would need to go back to the original shop before and top up again, and I would then have to re insert the key, and the money would go onto my meter! Is there any other way to get the top up put into the meter without having to top up again? It has just happened to me tonight again, and the shop I purchased the top up in has closed!!
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