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  1. I had a very bad experience on champix, my Dr proscribed the drug without looking into my medical history i had previously been diagnosed with depression but after reading the notes acompanying the drug i decided i felt ok and was desperate to give up smoking after 30+ years however i i had very bad sleep patterns and was always tired usualy only getting around 2 to 3 hours sleep a night i became moody and the mood swings became more and more heated halfway through week 12 i found out my long term partner was cheating on me and i withdrew into a quiet moody shell very depressed and lethargic, at work id snap and shout totally out of charicter for me, on the 7th day i was on the verge of suicide but instead turned my anger towards my partner who didnt know i knew about her affairs she was shocked and angry shouting at me and im ashamed to admit i slapped her accross the face, i am now in the proccess of being prossicuted for assault and ive lost a woman i love my house my friends and family i'm still very depressed and having suicidal thoughts, my ex wife from before has made a statement to the affect that even though she cheated on me too after 12 years of marriage it was totaly out of charictor for me as i never ever raised a finger to her in all the 12 years and im not a violent person, i whole heartedly believe i would never have lost my temper to that affect had it not been for the side affects of the champix, My Dr has supplied my solicitor with my medical records with verification to my depression the paperwork supplied with the drug clearly states that it should not be proscribed to anybody with a history of depression, i know i will have to plead guilty to the assault and as a result i will also loose my job as well as loosing my partner and family, but does anyone think i have sufficiant evidence to sue the NHS for proscribing them in the first place and if so how do i go about it on a low budget?
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