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  1. yes i have pemission to put my horse in the field it is a farmers that i know. unfortunatly he is on holiday at the moment so i carnt ask him about the access. i carnt get my car to the feild it is a narrow footpath to the feild . thanks for all your replys tho
  2. i am a disabled driver , i own a horse which i keep in a feild near my home . i am told that the road up too the feild is a private road and i can not park on it and that i have to park at the bottom of a steep hill . i am unable to walk up this steep hill , surely i am allowed to park and have access to the feild i keep my horse in , if i dont block the road or anyones access . apprently there as been horses in this feild for over 40 years . my question is were do i stand on this and what is the law about it ?
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