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  1. I wish and hope I do get interviewed and don't see everything as black and white. I've seen on diff forums about ex still living in the same address yet that seems to be ok, everything is just so confusing as to what they define as a couple it's only actually you who know what is the truth how do they prove someone still living under same roof as NOT being a couple he does not live with me, we don't go out together, we hardly sit in the same room when he comes over as I feel that should be his quoality time. I go on holidays with my mum not him the only thing we do joint is the insurance as for the letters it all swung in roundabouts, bank would not change without ID, didnt have ID to prove his new address and each and every time bank called I would always state does not live here here is his new address and phone number stop ringing here it was responded with a "due to data protection" when he got ID we were hit with another blow so everything was forgotten about because I just didnt care least of my worries and now I been hit with this letter I just feel like I'm already trying to come to terms with both my children having disabilites now I'm facing prospect that if they decide that they think we are a couple and I'm done for fraud then I loose my job and same goes for my self employment as that relys on CBA check and to pass that NO fraud or anything to do with the law. I feel like it's all a complete mess!!!
  2. Bank statements are in my name. Child maint is always the same amount same time of the month with his name on it. Ink is not a problem as I have a ink tank last years. Due to autism I'm having to do a lot of printing to help with communication. so I'm ok with printing everything it just if the accept it as they have asked for original proof so I don't know if this is original. Everything has been so difficult I was told by the doctor because my child would need so much support I would have to give up work all together I didn't, so I been juggling everything. It seems like the system wins every time... is it not possible to still be an ex yet still be on good terms? I have heard of bitter splits using children as tools getting CSA involved fleecing every penny from ex's I didnt want this I wanted my kids to see there dad as much as possible why should they suffer! seems like system feels that once you part then you should be in a massive battle with your ex :(
  3. Thanks for your reply. Tbh with you as there was so much going on with my children the mail wasnt on my list of priorites and I always assumed if ever there was a case of benefit fraud then they would investigate by having a home visit or having someone watch the house. And if I am honest I feel that asking for ALL my bank statements is invading my privacy plus they want ORIGINALS which is going to cost me as I do online banking ... and also I don't trust them at all I received a letter from tax credits before now and in my claim pack was mixed with someone elses personal details NI number address DOB fraudster dream! so how can I be absolutly sure these statements will be returned to me, and not sent back to the wrong person and during this time I also have business account as I would do freelance so to keep everything neat there is a seprate account for this do they need this too and if they do how am I meant to fill in my tax return also I need to retain all satements for 7 years.
  4. Hi, Wondering if anyone could help me I am at my witts end. I have been claiming TC & WTC for almost 3 years due to breakdown in my relationship. But in last 18 months things have become complicated. I was with my ex for 13 years before we split. We have remained very good friends and he was involved very much with our 2 children. We did everything amicably it wasn't bitter, I didn't use the children as a tool, CSA never needed to be involved as we came to an agreement with maintenance. We also agreed as the only asset we had jointly when we were a couple was the car now neither could afford to pay other off we didn't want to sell it as would get naff all for it but its a good little car so I remained on the policy, I never really used it and I wouldn't be bitter as he needed a car for work I didn't. 18 months ago my youngest was diagnosed with autism and with appointments I had to attend I ended up using the car quite regularly so would chuck him some money towards petrol and paid for the tax on the car just so I felt I was contributing in any way shape or form after all why should I get a free ride petrol and wear tear MOT service tyres etc is not cheep. then 6 months ago another blow my eldest was diagnosed with a lifelong illness meaning more hospital trips etc my dad purchased a vehicle for me but because of both children we decided that if anything should happen to the other car we decided to have each other named on each others policy just to keep everything above board in terms of insurance. Now due to BOTH children having special needs and requiring extra attention my ex there dad has become more involved than what was originally set out he could see I needed help I'm not supermum also my mum confided in him that she thinks I'm depressed. he been spending a lot of time at my house (he lives in a shared house so is not practical for them to go there for a couple of hours) I received a letter from tax credits last week stating that they have noted that I have a partner living with me and I am due to pay back all of what I have received. They have asked for all my bank statements, insurance, council bills, utility bills, rent agreement etc etc... I feel like I am a criminal I cannot send council, utility bills as they are not in my name (I live in my dads house who has a job in the US he pays everything) I don't know where he keeps all this info nor do I have the permission to send to prove. The only way I can actually prove he is not my partner is if I set up CCTV footage 247 which will show him coming and going that he does not help with any choirs does not eat or sleep here, I don't socialise with him, we live completely different lives him visiting is purely for his children nothing more.. but my circumstances sound so dodgy on my car insurance he is th 3rd or 4th named driver, My Bank statements show that he has been paying money into my account (as child maintenance fixed amount each month) there has been times if he is short of money I have transferred money into his account and he has given it straight back to me on pay days (after 13 years I completely trust this man and like I said it was not bitter split we drifted apart) This has completely sent me sinking so low now as if I haven't enough to deal with I've cried non stop the thought of being in crippling debt and if I am convicted of fraud I can forget about my PT job I will be sacked instantly all because I was being a "perfect" ex, I don't know HOW they have noted that I have a partner the only thing I can think of is some of his post is coming here as he has not moved it due to being in a shared house didn't want his mail in the wrong hands and why would it bother me it's not my house and he doesn't live here if they came over or watched they would see this I have nothing to hide. Any help from anyone I would appreciate so much!
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