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Everything posted by fifeladee

  1. weve got ourselves into a bit of a mess with council and housing benefit, i hope someone can advise me, a few years ago my man and i filled in the benefit forms to claim housing and council tax benefit, as he doesnt earn that much i hoped wed get a bit of a discount, anyway i was delighted when i got a letter back saying we were going to recieve the maximum amount of benefit, but i did wonder if this was right? so i immediatly phoned the council and the woman on the other end, said yes all was correct, i then phoned up the housing assoc just to tell them i would be recieving this benefit.then we moved house, im not sure how long after i put the benefit claim in, but i had to fill in another form, my circumstances hadnt changed, so i thought it was a simple new address i had to tell them, but no a whole new form had to be filled in, a week later i got a phone call from the council, saying that there had been an error in my claim at my old house, and i had been overpaid, by thousands? even though i had given them all the forms and wrote down exactly what income we had.. so now my mans wages are being arrested, and we cant afford to pay this years council tax as well as this £100 a month for the councils error..i just got the sherrifs officer at the door yesterday with papers, saying they will go onto our account and arrest his wages again, now for the council tax we cant afford to pay can they arrest his wages twice?...sorry for the long winded post, i just need some help with all of this thanks
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