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  1. Well recieved some good news today from citizens advice today and they more or less have confimed what you all have been saying and that is that they cant make me pay for repairs that wasnt carried out and cant expect me to pay for the difference between the trade price and what they recieved at auction as its not stated in my agreement (pay 50% and hand car back in reasonable condition) which we did, they even looked at the photos and told that the photos were all the prove i needed and just to write a letter stating these facts and to tell them i have no intensions of paying the £499 and in future would like all correspondence in writing. They also told me to contact the smta and to mention this in my letter so here goes
  2. going to write to them this is what i have so far any help would be appreciated With reference to telephone call on the 26th may about your proposal payment plan of £100 per month for 8 months to settle account. I write to inform you that i have no intensions of paying the £100 per or the £499 that you stated on your letter dated the 6th may saying that the trade price you expected at auction wasnt met (£1165) depreciation due to condition fact of the matter is how can you prove the amount you recieved at auction for the car was down to condition, i was never contacted about the repairs before the car was sold nor did you carry out these repairs. Also i refer to telephone call i made to you on the 6th april that i intended to continue paying the insurance by direct debit and have no intensions of paying it upfront so would appreciate that the insurance wasnt included in the dispute
  3. Recieved another call from them today again wanting me to pay the insurance and now £237 of damages at £100 per month for 8 months then they will settle my account. I told them that i had agreed to continue paying the insurance as normal so why do they keep asking me to pay up early he also keeps refering the insurance as arrears on the account which it cant be as the term of the insurance agreement finishes june 2012 and why do they keep changing the amount ( for this so called condition of the vehicle which stopped them from getting the full value at auction) all the time and then saying we cant except payment of less than £100 per month it feels like there bulling me into agreeing not a nice feeling :(
  4. some advice as what to do recieved another phone call aparantly if i pay the whole lot by the end of the week they will take £230 off the bill. How the hell can they do this especialy when in april i had ageeded to continue paying the insurance by direct debit until the end of the term which is next june what im disputing is the so called damaged which they say was £719 know but are willing to except £499, oh and trading standards have more or less said it was my own fault as i never got an inspection report done and if it goes to court then its english law whatever that means???? even though i have full photos of my car the day i dropped it off and there are no dents on the quarter panels this angers me as they never did any work to the car yet they can charge me for it and was told by trading standards that citizens advice cant help me as they can only do what trading standards have done. someone please help with this i dont have this money
  5. really angry now just had phone call from trading standards who have recieved letter from advantage finance saying the actual amount that they wanted was £719 but throught contact with my partner had managed to bring it down to £499 (they havnt even contacted my partner as its me whos been dealing with it since hes been at work) and they dont have any photos of the damage to rear quarter panels either which i do(trading standards women didnt even know where the quarter panel on the car were) she says it going to be hard to prove to be honest dont think shes interested so next best thing will be cab i think. does anyone else have any ideas???
  6. There hasnt been a report done by them when i dropped the car at their agents i was expecting someone to check the car over but nobody did i asked if the car went to advantage and tge told me it would go straight to auction so i followed it on the auction site and the listed a vehicle report which i printed off which stated there were dents on the car but i know for afact there wasnt any , no one has contacted me about any damage the just said the 499 was the shortfall and the 1165 was what they said was what the car should have made at auction i also noticed that they had removed the road tax and stated there was no keys
  7. on the letter i got from them after i had asked for the vt it stated that i didnt owe them anything for the car just that i owed for the outstanding gap insurance and warranty which i have continued to pay for by direct debit.the £499 they are asking for is for the shortfall from the auction which is what im disputing considering the car was in reasonable condition and had no major damage to it
  8. spoke to trading standards yesterday and their going to contact advantage finance so fingers crossed i can get this sorted:-)
  9. Hi there just noticed your thread i to am having problems with advantage finance i requested to vt the agreement as i had paid more than the 50% as the car was 10yrs old and wasnt worth the money left on finance dont get me wrong have had no problems with them until now in my case i dropped my car off to their agent and was handed a slip to say it had been dropped off and now it would go straight to auction 2 weeks later it was sold at auction and i,ve now recieved a letter saying that the car had been sold but didnt reach the £1165 they expected and that i owed them £499 my argument is were does it say in the agreement that the car goes to auction i have to pay the difference to my knowledge this only happens if they terminate the contract (vehicle surrender) due to arrears, it only says if you have paid 50% of total and car is in reasonble condition you owe nothing which my car was and have photos to prove if so i contacted trading standards straight away and their writing to them so fingers crossed
  10. thanks your right there is no mention on my agreement about going to auction and paying the shortfall, and they havnt even given me a breakdown of the £499 all they said was its the difference from what the car sold for and what they expected to get. i did get a copy of the vehicle report off the sma auctions website which had said there was no key for the car and dents on the quarter panels(which if you look at the pictures attached above there is no damage to the car) and no road tax they even removed the parcel shelve from the car so obviously that would go against it for a start
  11. this is the car that i returned and these were taken the day it was returned do i let the trading standards fight my corner or does anyone recommend someone different
  12. think i will be having another word with trading standards tomorrow before they contact the finance company really dont think this woman has a clue whats shes doing as i tried to explain this to her that i hadnt signed anything or been told about what the damage was you see i had shown her the copy of the vehicle report that i printed off the auction site, she hadnt even read my hp agreement i also explained the terms of the agreement and that the car was in reasonable condition when handed back all she kept saying it was up to me to get this done now i know its down to the finance company
  13. you mention that the vehicle report should have been done and signed by me, the woman at trading standards asked the same thing only she said that because it wasnt done when i handed the car to the agent that i was in the wrong as its a case of me having to prove to the finance company that the car was in reasonable condition even though i took photos her reply was that i could have taken those photos at any time even thought the date and time is recorded on the camera. do i let the investigate for me or go to citizen advice
  14. the letter say " following your recent request to voluntary terminate your account with us the vehicle has now been sold. Unfortunately the vehicle did not achieve full trade price of £1165.00 due to the condition and works needing to be carried out " but as i said the car was mot until the end of june and road taxed until may there was only the small dent on the bonnet which you had to look a certain way to see it, i could understand of the car was hanging but it was washed and polished inside and out b4 handing it back i even have the photos i took the day i handed it back
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