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Everything posted by MissBehave

  1. Hello all, 6 months later and sure enough I am back to square one. only this time they have passed the debt on. apparently they had been emailing me for the review etc etc. only knew about this when they rang me. told them on the phone they should email me as i will not discuss the account over the phone. the woman didnt like it but i wouldnt have anything to say to her, i wanted it in writing. she accused me of ignoring emails and i told her i had no emails from them and gave them another one to contact me with. still heard nothing from them until i got an email (to my old address) from the debt company they had pased it on to... told them in a polite way that i would not be paying any money to them, i did not acknowledge any debt to them but acknowledged i owed WDA xx amount... also told them that i had no communication from WDA so i would continue to pay them the agreed £1 per month. i got an email back asking what my reference number was, and i emailed back telling them they would find the original email they sent to me at the bottom of the page and have a look (i literally hit reply with eveything still written there origionally) no reply since, and this was from the beginning of january. nice start to 2012
  2. Just thought I would update as this matter finally got resolved on the 8th of June! I had enough of their rubbish and emailed complaints who then tried telling me the exact same thing. Until i sent them this email : Richard, I appreciate that it is regular that you hear people on a daily basis claiming that they can not afford higher repayments, but trust me if I could pay more I would. I am simply refusing to provide documents that are legally unnecessary. I have provided more then substantial evidence in my income and expenditure form to support what I am telling you and your colleagues. I will not be able to make payments higher then £1 per month as my budget will not allow it. Unless you would like a 7 year old child starving to death because I have no money to feed him on your conscience. I have to make payments to priority debts like rent and council tax, and currently do not need the extra stress of having numerous creditors on my case. As you will see on the list of creditors I originally supplied I have had phone calls from Simply Be today harassing me to pay them £139 which they were told exactly the same thing! I don't care if only one months interest has been applied or 12 months interest has been applied to the account. I would expect to have the amounts applied if the repayment plan was ceased because of an action of my own doing i.e. cancelling a standing order without informing your company, or such like. Not because you have decided I will not supply documents that you want me to supply which I have no legal obligation to supply to you. Even if this matter was to go to the County Court, You would get the same response, the court would be the only people to see the bank statements and they would still set the payment of £1 per month. Either that or not even entertain you in court as I am making payments to the account. Excuse me if I sound rude, as I simply do not mean to. But running a house hold on not even £800 per month aswell as trying to get to and from places of work and taking my step son to school, it is not easy! I am on the tip of being made to go on to sick leave because of the stress this is causing me. Regards to which I received this email: Dear Miss xx Thank you for your reply. I have spoken with the collections manager and she has accepted £1.00 for a further six months subject to review. Kind regards I think I won... lol
  3. seems as Lewis finally got the message... as from my last email I have had no reply... (I bet I have jinxed it now lol) only thing I have had since was a text message to my phone asking to ring them which I haven't and have no intention of doing Caroline 1 WDA 0 whoo lol thanks for your help guys xx
  4. nope still didnt learn... oh well I am standing my ground on this one... and I am still refusing to budge with giving them the bank statements hes throwing all his toys out of his pram now and I have told him if he so wishes he can stick the account back into processing at his own companies expense as I will not be paying any more then the £376.50 that I know I owe, and until I can afford more I will only be paying the £1 per month. copy of the email for you all to enjoy is under here I have already proved I can not afford to increase my monthly payment. I have actually provided more then sufficient evidence to support the fact I can not afford any more, in fact as the debt is in my name only I didn't even need to provide house hold income. Bank statements are private and confidential information and therefore are covered under the data protection act and I am fully within my legal rights to not provide this information. But like you said as you are refusing my reasonable offer I shall still be making token payments of £1 per calendar month and you can put this account back into processing at your own cost. I will not be paying a penny more then the £376.50 that I know I owe. Regards I know a little harsh but after 17 emails off these clowns over 4 days up until now and currently on the 2nd person I think you will all agree its a bit justified lol xx
  5. theres been some pretty shifty looking men stalking my grans house lately. dads terrified to change address incase he loses out and he really has to keep his car for auntie and mam
  6. copy of the email im sending them: Dear Lewis, I have just this minute gotten off the phone with the CCCS, they have informed me that I am right to not provide you with bank statements. Therefore I will not be providing you with anything other then basic income and expenditure. If you so wish to carry on processing the account then please do so. I will not be paying any more then I owe. I will continue to make token payments and should anything in my personal circumstances change then your company, along with the other creditors, shall be informed in due course. In the mean time, £1 token payments will be continued to paid. Any more requests for this personal information shall be ignored, and passed on to Office of Fair Trading and also Trading Standards as an official complaint. Regards Caroline Please feel free to let me know if I should add anything in or take anything out
  7. well cccs say i am in the right for standing my ground to not give them bank statements (not even my bank account anyways) so sending a strongly worded polite email to them right now informing them of my refusal feeling better now well a little bit lol thanks guys xx
  8. broke its all been done via email so no phone calls though i am tempted to phone them up and give them what for. brigadier - im now on the phone to cccs as an old council tax bill of my partner has come back to haunt him. they refusing the £1 pcm because it is "unreasonable" but anyways ringing the cccs so gonna see what they say about it all lol. will update once off the phone with them xx
  9. ok will do. so stressed. cant even concentrate in college at the moment
  10. lol i wish i spoke too soon and he replied not long after i replied to you. basically saying they still want the bank statement and can not put me on a repayment plan until i supply it. asked him nicely to put account on hold while i awaited cccs and cab advice but he has refused saying that they cant hold accounts purely on request unless i have provided the documents and im now gonna get charged interest and fees. im pulling my hair out now, im almost bald lol.
  11. ok brigadier thanks very much they have stopped replying at the moment after my last email to them was something along the lines of telling them until I heard back from the CCCS/CAB about my rights I would still be paying £1 token payment as I cant afford to pay any more. and I wasnt prepared to put mine and my familes home at risk by missing out on payments to rent and council tax etc etc for a relatively small amount of debt. so i may have upset him a little oops lol. nevermind. thanks again
  12. Still more emails today and they are still banging on about they are within their rights to request bank information to back up the financial statement! I am waiting on CCCS and CAB getting back in touch with me, but still nothing from them as yet... can some one give me some legislation or something I can throw at them, they are telling me that they can no longer have this payment plan in place of £1 per month, and can split it over 3 months. I have told them I can not afford this. And I also told them that I will still be paying my token payments of £1 per month. I have already been docs about depression and such like and these guys are starting to make me feel worse again. can anybody assist in any way? xx
  13. Hi, Looking for some advice for my dad. He bought a car about a year ago, its a 1999 T reg Vauxhall Zafira. After he bought it he found out there was a logbook loan outstanding on it. He is unsure of what company it was that has the loan on the car, and also he doesn't know when the loan was taken out. The car is registered at my grandparents address at the moment cos he and my mam was moving when they bought it and they haven't got round to changing the address on it as yet. Reading previous posts the feeling is generally take it off road and make it un-driveable but at the moment thats not a viable option because he has to take my mam and auntie to the hospital regularly. Any thoughts greatly appreciated MB x
  14. Hiya, I posted yesterday about this, after numerous emails back and forth between me and this Joe, arguing over £36 charge that I have been told about but has only just been added to my account. (cut a long story short I was told about the origional "one off charge" in June by one of his colleagues, but when he contacted me in November the amount didn't include that charge which I thought it did, anyways he has contacted me yesterday and a long email argument ensued because to reset the payment plan I was told I had to provide my bank statements to back up the financial budget statement I had already provided, I dont have a bank account, all my wages etc get put into my partners account and naturally he isn't happy about them having this information, so he has refused permission) Anyways I have received an email today regarding further litigation, I shall post a copy of this now. Wage Day Advance Ltd Unit 7, Acorn Business Park, Skipton, BD23 2UE Tel : 0872 098 8888 / Fax : 0844 443 2322 10 May 2011 Dear MISS **************** Agree No : ********* Amount Outstanding : £412.50 Your Wage Day Advance loan or interest payment was due recently but we were unable to take this payment. Having signed the Credit Agreement, you will be aware that missing payments can have severe consequences and that you may be liable for default charges incurred. Could you please contact us as a matter of urgency with either an alternative way for us to take payment (credit card other debit card etc) or advise us of when we can take payment with the card details we hold on our system. Unless you contact us within SEVEN DAYS of the above date with your firm proposal of payment your file will be passed to our Collections and Litigation office for a decision to be made as to the next course of action in recovering your debt. This will incur more charges for missed payments, letters and interest. If you have paid the amount owed in full or made an arrangement with us about the repayment of your debt before you receive this letter, please ignore this letter. If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact us to discuss the matter, this may prevent further action being taken. Please be advised that until you contact us your file will be processed in the usual manner, as laid out in your signed agreement. Please Call 01756 707306 for our Collections Dept, who will be happy to help. *** Please Note, Default charges will apply *** Yours faithfully Wage Day Advance Ltd So anyways none of what is in that email is true, since starting up the repayment plan there has not been any missed payments and I refuse to ring them to then not have proof of what is being said. What can I do next? I have provided income and expenditure as per CCCS when I last saw them in November (CCCS wont take me and my partner on for debt management or such like due to low income and more going out then actually coming in so they can just give advice) but still refusing to give bank statements as partner wont give his permission because he believes that unless its government related (housing ben, or jobseekers etc) they don't actually have a right to ask. Is that true? I can't find anything else to help Thanks MB x
  15. ok sorry to be a pain... I have rectified the £20 that was different, due to miscalculations on my part. the original loan amount was £437.50. but i have sorted that out... however i am still fighting on for this £36 charge. I have found an email from november of this guy that clearly states the outstanding amount on the account was £382.50 which if as he claims the charge I was informed about in june, was actually put on to my account then that amount should have been higher. I have emailed him about this and waiting on his reply.
  16. ok I have sorted the math out. at the origional amount borrowed plus interest minus the £61 paid i owe them £356.50 but havent received a reply of me challenging this dicrepency as he still thinks I owe them £412.50 thats £56 difference he reckons his collegue told me of the £36 charge which after looking through my emails I can not find any evidence of this... so regardless of what is found to be right there is still a £20 or £56 discrepancy which he is refusing to acknowledge
  17. yeah i have numerous accounts both mine and my partners that i am dealing with at the moment and none have been as bad as this guy. he still reckons that with out a bank statement he can not set up a repayment plan and he also says that when i previously emailed a collegue of his that the £36 "one off charge" was in that email. I have found the emails in my sent emails folder (thank goodness i just hit reply and dont cut out the previous emails sent!) and nothing was mentioned of this charge. I have since queried the amount to be paid as he reckons I have £417.50 to be paid and according to my paper work I say I owe £357.50. Even making the calculations with this £36 charge origional loan was £350 plus £87.50 interest doesn't add up to the £412.50 he reckons I owe. £417.50 + £36 = 453.50 - £61 (paid onto account) = £392.50 theres still a £20 discrepency regardless of whether or not I have to pay this £36....
  18. the only problem is CCCS arent doing anything to help now - we went to see them and the man was nice and everything but informed us he couldn't help other then budgets and paperwork, the rest was up to us because we payed out much more then we got in. will they still be able to help this?
  19. Hi, had an email from these, I origionally owed them money, couldn't afford to pay it back so went on to pay them back £20 for 2months, went on the sick paid them £5 for 3 months, went to the CCCS and then started paying all my debtors £1 per month from end of November 2010. Now I have had an email demanding to see bank statements, to back up the CCCS income and expenditure form, also they have informed me they are putting on £36 set up fee. From sorting out mine and my partners debts and paying them all the required token fees of £1 per month I keep a written record of the origional amount of debt from when I started paying. Plus its always paid through standing order so there is evidence at the bank this is being paid. I told him as far as I knew that only government agencies and such like were allowed to ask to see your bank statements, also informed him that as it was my partners bank account that I would have to have his permission and he refused to give me that. The man emailing me from WDA has told me that even though I have provided the income and expenditure that without seeing my bank statements then a repayment plan will not be set up. Oh and to add salt into the wound I think they have been adding £36 each time they have set up the repayment plan. Are they allowed to do this???? Thanks MB xx
  20. thanks dx, will have a look at it and send it off when i get paid
  21. Hi, I am new to this site, sany help you can give is most appreciated. I have a bit of a complicated one here. In October of 2008 I think my bank account got over drawn (£300) through my own mistake and I rang them up asking them for help as if I paid it the following month I would then have no money left out of my wages to pay car insurance etc etc. Anyways I rang them up and spoke to some one while my account was still over drawn, the gentleman on the other end of the phone told me that as I got paid a few days later I would have to ring up then to get it sorted. So I rang back on pay day and they said they couldn't do anything as my account was now in credit(!) I phoned back an hour later after withdrawing all of my money and put it back to being overdrawn. Then they told me that they would help and gave me a temporary overdraft of £300, it didn't cover what they had already gone out and I ended up getting charged more. Now three years on this debt has now totalled over £1600 and it has gone to the in house collections. I was origionally paying them £50 per month and then went on sick leave and ended up having less income so offered to pay them £1 per month Anyways heading back to my point and origional question... I have asked there in house debt agency to send me some statements from when I first started to dispute the account. I haven't received them. And I am totally disputing the fact I owe them so much money as if they helped me out when i origionally asked them too it wouldn't have ended up this bad. Although I do accept the origional £300 was my own fault (I thought that I had more money in my account then I had and a PayDay loan came out of my card afterwards). Is there anything I can do or should I just admit defeat and pay all the monies they say I owe? Thanks
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