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Everything posted by jacdore

  1. we have received another letter today from Petguard saying another one of our dogs is no longer covered. Will be writing to the ins company yet again lodging a complaint although fortunately this one isnt so much a financial burden as this dog hasnt had any medical complaint so far to prevent us getting full cover from another insurance company. We are upset over the fact that they have taken the increased premium for "Lifetime cover" which of course they have not provided for and had no intention of providing. Surely this is a breech of contract which with any luck the ombudsman will agree.
  2. Hi there. We also are experiencing the exact same problem. After contacting the ombudsmun we were told we had to write directly to the insurance provider which is Thistle Insurance Services outlining our complaint. They have 8 weeks to reply after which time the ombudsmun takes over. They have infact already informed the insurance company that they have been contacted. We now have to wait the 8 weeks to find out what he can do BUT he did say it'll then take months for them to come to a conclusion which is meant we have had to buy insurance elsewhere which of course does NOT cover one of our dogs pre-existing skin complaint that normally cost £300-00 a month for drugs to controll it. We will watch with anticipation and interest to see how your complaint progresses and will of course keep you up-dated on our progress. It is interesting to discover on this forum that they have still been providing insurance cover when supposidly no underwriter. This I'm sure will be of great interest to the ombudsmun. We have contacted Watchdog about this and await to see if they will be taking up our cause so I'm sure as the phrase goes "The more the merrier" if you would like to contact them also. Ju & Paul & Zoo x
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