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Everything posted by unhappyhamster

  1. Are there letters in the library for this and do I pay to get this information, I'm totally new at all this! I know that he had pp on his aa credit card and he said he never asked for it. He was in full time employment when he applied for jt, so he got paid when off sick. Yes they do leave messages for all to hear, I'm quite amazed by their attitude. Thanks again:-)
  2. Thanks again for more help. Not answering them, just letting the machine do it, there call centre is very unprofessional, I heard another other harassing phonecall in the background. Thanks for the letter advice, that's my Saturday night taken care off. Should I offer them each one pound till we can work out what is spare each month? Unhappy
  3. Thank you Bombaymix for your advice and kind words. I'm totally shattered by this but as you say, the van is our priority debt. Moorcroft have now called 10 times today saying that doorstop collections will start on Tuesday if the money isn't paid by Monday. For 100 pounds they're very aggressive, god knows what the rest will be like. Thank u once again
  4. Hi DX, thanks for your reply. All debts have been credit cards, loans, insurance for his van and the van payments. The mortgage is up to date and so is the council tax. We are behind with EDF, but they have offered us a payment plan. He defaulted on his insurance for his van, but I have payed that up to date now, the finance company for the van took a smaller payment for 3 months, but this months payment of 153 has been missed, and according to previous correspondence, they intend to repossess. He can't work without transport. The van is financed for 5 years, and he has paid for over 2. I just don't know what to do, I don't have the money they are looking for, I don't get paid till the month end and he doesn't get paid till next month. Thanks Hi Geordie, he was a sole trader.
  5. Hi Guys Need some help and guidance please. Won't bore you with all the details, but my husband is in a real mess with debt and I've only just go him to sit down and tell me what's going on! He has been self employed for over a year and work has dried up! It got to the stage where the savings had dried up and my wages can only cover so much! He's now managed to get a job full time but its only a temporary contract, but it's a start. in the meantime, his debt has got out of control, he's buried his head in the sand and his all the post unopened, I feel sick to my very stomach at how much he owes! How and where do we start, its getting to the doorstep visits and I'm scared. Two letters came today, he owes a debt to T-Mobile and moorcroft are handling it, they've said they need full payment, d o we have any options as the debt has gone past 56 days! The other is a missed payment on his van, can I negotiate anything with them? Please please can someone please advise? Thanks x
  6. I agree with Toptrapper Toga, you've exhausted all avenues with Lending Stream, so that's the next step. I was quite amazed that they were so obliging to me all of a sudden, i still think its very suspect, so watch this space. Desperation led me down this road, and boy do i regret it. I like you just want to pay them back and have no more dealings with them. Any help you need, just ask. Unhappy x
  7. Hi Toga, I sent numerous emails to them before i heard anything. Every time i sent an email, i sent it to reminder@lendingstream.co.uk, info@lendingstream.co.uk, and paymentservices@lendingstream.co.uk. When i started to get replies, they all came from info@lendingstream.co.uk. You are doing everything right, keep all paperwork and start making complaints. Unhappy x
  8. Hi renegade, Thanks for your reply, do you think their only playing ball in the short term and then their going to turn nasty. I'm totally worried regarding this. Unhappy x
  9. Hi Toptrapper, Thanks for your reply. No charges added or any extra interest. Just feel a bit uneasy, it feels too straightforward. Unhappy x
  10. Hi All, Just a wee update. I did as advised and got a letter ready to send to the Complaints Department at Lending Stream, when an email appeared from them regarding my official complaint. My last email threatened them will allsorts, and it must have worked. They have agreed to a repayment plan by email, at an affordable monthly payment and asking when i would like to start and giving me their bank details to send them the payment. Lots of apologies as well! I've emailed them back and have made my first payment. I'm still a bit wary as to all of it! I chose not to deal with them by phone, as i found the whole phone experience to be degrading full of their lies. Thanks to you all for your help. Unhappy x
  11. Thank you toptrapper, i'm really scared by this and what might happen, or what they might do. I'll do my letter today and send it to Lending Stream. Unhappy x
  12. Hi Rene, Who's my best option of complaint then? I am scared by their silence and what their planning. Unhappy x
  13. Thanks for your reply Aharry, they're really starting to get to me. They sent me another email saying that they agree to a payment plan and should i not see the payment schedule through, i could be in big trouble with debt collection agencies etc, then they say that they cannot arrange a repayment plan by email and without my payslip, even though i have given them an i and e form. I think its time to report them, they're getting me into an awfie state. Any idea's what to do? I'll make my payment as i stated, and send them an email with regards to this. Unhappy x
  14. Thanks Rene, really appreciate your input. I will make my payment and wait for their response. Thank you again
  15. Hi Everyone, Firstly, i'll say thanks in advance, i need all the help you can give me. I've borrowed from Lending Stream, stupidly, but was in a bad situation and i made a very bad decision to go down this road. Hubby not been working for a long while now, we only have my wage and things are very tough. A job was in the pipeline, or so we thought, but it fell through last minute, i'd already borrowed from Lending Stream and i'm just not able to pay them back. I emailed them over a week ago, i explained the situation and asked if they would consider a payment plan of £65.00 per month. Got a very heart warming email from them saying if i called, they would be more than happy to work with me to get a repayment plan set up and to help me clear the outstanding balance. What a load of toss. I phoned (very silly of me), was passed from pillar to post and 20 mins later no plan set up. They needed my most recent payslip and an i and e form filled out. Email tennis has now went on for a week now. So i've been on here reading everything i can to try and keep myself right. I am refusing to give them my payslip, i filled out Ellen's Budget Sheet and sent them this under duress (i felt theirs was too intrusive). I got an email just 10 mins ago from then, firstly i can arrange a plan by email, then they gave me their bank details, next it said they updated the system with my income and expenditure sheet, they're happy to work with me, then i need to send my most recent payslip and that a plan can only be worked out for an affordable amount by phoning their customer service reps. Are they on drugs? Can someone help me PLEASE. I'm worn done and dont know what else to do. Unhappy x
  16. I've been overpaying my mortgage for a longtime, and the bank was more than happy for me to do this, my mortage was for 25 years, but will be repaid in full in 2years time, making it only 17 years. I reduced the debt payment to Payplan because i was struggling, they wouldn't leave me any spare cash once my outgoings were taken into account. I thot i could do this, but i've been very stupid, don't want to lose my flat and i was so scared with the debt i'd gotten into. If that kinda explain things. Karen x
  17. Hi All, Thank you in advance for any replies i receive, all advice greatly welcome. I like many others have got myself into a mess with debt, you think you're doing it for all the right reasons, but it turns around and bits you in the bum. ... I sorted out a repayment plan with Payplan, they were a total lifesaver, and I have been paying a monthly amount for years now. They haven't left me with any spare funds really and i got myself into a bit of a situation with payday loans, which are now all paid off (thank god). I had to reduce my monthly payment to Payplan for a while, but they accepted this. I also have a bankloan which my bank were more than happy to give to me because i own a property with quite a lot of equity, and i've been a great customer. The money was used to do work in the flat i own and also for doing a new roof on the home i share with my husband. My problem is now, i approached my bank and asked if i could make reduced payments towards my loan for a short while as things are a bit tough right now, i also enquired about a payment break from my mortgage as i have been overpaying this for 5 years plus, but they've said no. Can i approach Payplan and add this debt - the personal loan to my plan? Can anyone tell what best to do, will Payplan wash their hands off me or what? Really need help! Karen x
  18. Hi Everyone, I'm pretty clueless about PPI, but know that on cards i've previously had and on my current mortgage, i was told i had to take this. How long ago can you go back to make a claim? My bank are treating me awfully at the moment, and i'd like to make a claim for what i'm due. Many Thanks in advance if anyone can help steer me in the right direction. Karen x
  19. Thanks Daddy, I've never once said that i wouldn't pay them, just like all of us, i asked for some kind of repayment plan cause i'm sick of rolling over the debt. But no joy. So i offered £150 at the beginning of the month and the balance the last week of the month, but no, its not acceptable, not as much as a reply. But they can email me when they keep taking funds out of my account as per my instructions, which they haven't had. Thats the sickening thing xxx
  20. Thanks for your words of wisdom, i so appreciate it. I think the old fashioned letter writing is the next plan of action. It just gets to you after a while and it doesn't help when they keep helping themselves to funds in my bank account. I now don't owe them that much since they went on their last raiding mission, and please don't worry that i'm sitting with nothing xxx
  21. Thanks guys. I obviously don't have the magic touch. Tried that contact option with no joy at all. They are treating me appallingly and i'm actually crying as i type this. I feel such a bad person xxx
  22. Hi Sid Firstly well done. Can you tell me who to contact at payday express, i'm at my wits end. Cheers x
  23. Hi guys, just thought id give you a wee update and its not good. I really now have given up the will to live! I emailed making lots of noise and i got an email back today advising me that they have taken another £120 from my account as per my instructions! It has left me with nothing. I am livid..... I had to phone, and its so frustrating.... Phoned my bank too, they said they can't do anything, totally deflated. And whats even more frustrating, the bank allowed them to take this money, i had the money sitting in my saving accounts to keep it safe, and to avoid the banks charges, i had to transfer the money. Any advice as to what to do next. Thanks. (Hope asmile is on, could do with your words of wisdom and wit) xxx
  24. thanks guys for reading and the advice you've offered me. my mission today is to cause as much noise as possible and wear my fingers to the bone in letters of complaint. i'll keep you all updated and let you know if i receive any good news . thank goodness for you all, this site is the only thing keeping me going. xxx
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