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  1. I've forwarded the original email to her directly now. see what happens.
  2. I did, it was addressed to her. Anyway it's clear this course of action may contribute to HFOs demise will do nothing for my OTHs situation. I've heard nothing from either company.
  3. Yea thank you and goodbye essentially. Still have a default on the credit score, situation not resolved and I've had a gutfull of chasing my tail around.
  4. Ok I've fired off an email to Polly Ashford at the email I posted earlier. The Ball is rolling.
  5. No not yet having car troubles ATM I'll do it in the next couple of days.
  6. I won't do anything for a while anyway getting late now and I turning the box off thank you all.
  7. Am I correct in thinking that the contact is Polly Ashford and the email is enquiries@oft.gsi.gov.uk
  8. CCI30092011_00000.pdfThat page is missing, another SAR this is getting expensive The guy who rang me was from India Although he stated he worked for HFO services his name is Bittoo Singh I have just found another notice of assignment I'll scan and post it now
  9. No I've initiated a complaint with the ICO in regards both Barclaycard and HFO but have decided to hang fire re the OFT
  10. I've blanked out the sensitive info but pray tell what is important to mention? And no, no complaint yet.
  11. Yes twice, I'll remove the PDF edit it again and repost it.
  12. Ok think I've finally craked this PDF malarkey here goes. OK no personal data visible as far as I can see i've edited the files and reloaded them. HFO.pdf
  13. I'm struggling with PDF converters ATM and have had enough for tonight, so will look at it again to morrow.
  14. A letter of assignment from Monument dated 02/06/2006, a potocopy of a credit agreement signed 11/08/201 and some random system notes from their computer files. Oh and a covering letter looking forwards to us contacting them to settle the debit. Oddly enough no further threats of court action although the default notice on the credit file is still registered.
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