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Everything posted by Popeye1000

  1. citizenB Please don't take what i say as an insult, but i would like site's like this to address, the issue's against scinero's like mine, can't get credit that i know i can afford, to be refused, from a bank, then suddenly i'm getting influxe's of call's from lenders who i never got in touch with, with promise's of what ever i want upto £5000. What is it, blow them off, pass it to a 3rd party??? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Thanks again.
  2. citizenB Thank you for your reponse, but why is it that people seem to take it as a personal attack on themself's, i have no issue with anyone on this site, i was only trying to give a first hand account of what had happened to me and my family. Yet on this site everyone seems to take disfavour with me. As i said before i went through the three major credit check companies but they came up clean, yet an obscure company can pull a record and stop someone for a misdemeaner. you say if you had this and that paperwork great if the companies and courts told you about it, stable before the horse bolted springs to mind, but not everybody is aufau with the law. If i lived in Nottingham i could maybe understand but i live in Manchester. i will always beg to differ with regards to law you only have black and white, not grey areas. Thanks.
  3. Hello, May i make a comment on Northampton County Court, it would appear that Big Company's have a deal with this little court to blacklist people, i have noticed that G.E. and United Utilites seem to go through this court. The case in question was that i went to Equifax, Exprian, and other reputable credit agency's for reports to confirm that i could get credit and was clear, i then put a deposit down on a flat i was then told about a CCJ to which i was not aware of in my name, i asked who was the company they told me the company United Utilitesi disbuted this, i went to my local court which was Salford who gave me a 'Satisfaction' certifacate, to say it had been paid. Thus i lost my deposit, and the flat. I was not happy that Northampton County Court were allowed to do this, we should have some redress against County Courts. I do apologise if this has caused offence and if the moderators which to strike or move this please feel free. Many Thanks for reading.
  4. Hello, May i make a suggestion, when did you last use your card and where, then when did the tranactions for the phones take place? As in previous posts report this to the police for a log/crime number. Then tell police you want this investigating with the upmost urgency. I concur with sequenci. Hope this is of help.
  5. Well thank you, i don't have two arthritic old men working on modern cars, pray do tell me which era are you three gents from? Scammell Crusaders? Atatar's, the old Foden's with Cummin's engine's. go away and read your Dan Dare book's. Retire gracefully. Mine is to service a vehicle to the customer's satisfaction, it's called personal service. Not ripping the customer off, see what we can get out of them????? When children are involved it would appear that some people have lost the plot, children were involved in a vehicle that would appear to have been unsafe till P.C. Plod for what use they are got there and suddenly what PLOD say's go. RUBBISH. NEVER TRUST OLD MEN, AND NEVER TRUST P.C. PLOD.
  6. Hi Tell the DVLA who you bought this car off. Are you happy with the car? If you are not happy then tell the dealer why you are not happy with this vehicle? Then tell the dealer you didn't know this vehicle was an accident damage vehicle at the point of sale.
  7. Hi again all, Snigger as much as you want, I'm going off the diagonise, 4 mechanics looked at it, did they grease the belt? 4 mechanics said water pump? under the bonnet and advised that the water pump was at fault?? The garage advised me the car had an oil leak and due to this was not advisable to drive as it could cause a leak to affect the cam shaft???? hired a car. The car was eventually collected the following Tuesday after the bank hol with a 515 pound bill and a list of work The RAC took one look at the vehicle and diagnosed the DIff had gone. Why didn't the garage recover the vehicle to make sure it was safe? I think when you have a vehicle and you entrust it to a garage, the garage has a DUTY AND CARE to make sure it is in a roadworthy condition, or the POLICE will be over you like a rash. Please bear in mind my creditionals. If this site would like copies not a problem. Unlike others who would like to portray themselves?????
  8. Hi All, Birdyboy i feel gutted for you, you bought this vehicle in good faith, yet someone knew the history of this vehicle yet they, didn't disclose it's history. Why is it that finance company's can get away with chargeing over the top price's, and their garages can charge what ever they want because it say's in the contract. Two finance company's told me i wasn't allowed to have an independant evualtion done on a vehicle, so i walked away. Always ask for an evualtion on a vehicle if they don't allow this walk away.
  9. Hi All. I would like to THANK YOU personally all for your advice. I'm sorry that it has taken so long to reply. I have been in touch with Manchester Mags court but still no reply. Been in touch with Marstons, again no reply. MANY THANKS. Phil Pop.
  10. Hi again, I would like to differ with the comments made on the last post, if you can prove that damage has been done then the police can be involved, due to the fact that a witness was at the scene, (verbal or photographic) to varify accounts. I am not a police officer but i do have City's and Guild's in Heavy Plant and Mechanic's, H.G.V. and Motorsports, Ford Rallye School. So please don't feel intimidated by the last post, the police have a duty to investigate. I will agree don't lose your temper or start swearing, stay cool, ask for some sort of recourse.
  11. Hi You took your car in for a squeak when accelarated, grease the fan belt first. Then you were informed that you had an oil leak from the camshaft, did they do this? then you took the vehicle away, paid for. £515 lighter. Then you had more issuses. Now there saying it's a axle replacement (due to the RAC report DIFF). Did you take your vehicle to Land Rover dealers to see if there were any recall's? for your vehicle? Hope this is of help.
  12. Hi My son did a stupid thing and used his bank account details so a so-called friend could cash a cheque through his account. The cheque was cashed, but the cheque was a dupe my son has become liable for the sum involved and to which the RBS has closed his account, to which he has tried to open another account at a bank to which he has been refused, he his working for an agency who require bank acount details for payments of his wages to be paid into, (my son believed the cheque was straight as it was an old school friend). How can he go about opening a new bank account? Hope someone can help
  13. Hi, Been reading this thread with interest. I hope everything has gone well. Just one point, if DUNCTON had told ronzo9 of the tracker that was fitted at the point of sale, this would have reduced his insurance premium by a lot, are they going to reimburse him for the years he has paid on his insurance premiums?? Because he was unaware of this item fitted???? It has now got me thinking, has mine got a tracker fitted due to been on HP???
  14. Hi, Why did the AA man take it to this garage? I would be inclined to ask the AA is this a recommended garage? Auto electrications can charge what ever they want but need to know what they are looking at and for, i would have sent the car to an ALFA Dealers, just for piece of mind. To be honest a lot of garages won't touch cars like your's no disrepect intended, because they are complicated cars to work on. But i would be inclined to ask the two questions at the top. Did you suggest the garage in question or did the AA man suggest it? If the AAman suggested it i would get in touch with the AA with regards to the service you got from the garage? Hope this is of some help.
  16. Hi Ell-Enn, Gaston Grimsdyke. With regards to my post, yes i am listening to what you are saying but, with regards to insurance purposes when a insurance company ask you for your name and address, you give them your name and address, which ronzo9 has done. But when a claim is made an insurance company could jump out of a claim because the address is different from the address on the registration document, even if it was in good faith. Did ronzo9 give their home address or address on the registration document???? Yes Ell-Enn it has his name on the document, but the address is false!!! Yes Gaston Grimsdyke it is not like a van driver, that would come under company insurance, not individual insurance. I have Hire Purchase on the vehicle i own money to but the registraction document is in my name, so any liability comes back to me, as the vehicle is insured to be at my property, with my name and address. If you look at the new blue registration documenton the back page under 9, V5C/3 you the person selling or transferring etc etc, If you do not tell us you have sold or transferred the vehicle, you will still be liable. Definition of motor trader is dealer, auctioneer, dismantler, fiance company with a finical interest. P.S. I'm not a legal eagle, but i look at the words used, so this is my advice. it is not to be taken as legal advice.
  17. Hi Jeepstar, Maybe we need to take this to another site or forum, as you say you your partner got offered 4k more, i would be asking why the difference?? I believe people are been misled in this thing with DIESEL'S doneing twice round the world thing. Cheap servicing, you still have engine management systems. I'll agree that it depends in which part of the country you live, i live in MANCHESTER, i've two auction sites, in BELLE VUE, ADT, STOODLEYS, both do van auctions, but it depends on what you want. Some people want a brand new car for nothing. If you said it is free they would still expect you to tax and insure the vehicle for them. Just watch TOP GEAR in America. Going back to the post i would have kept the MERC, spent the money to put it right, some off us are not so savvy. No disrespect but with your views to waiting to sell a car, you must take what is on offer, i.e. i traded a granada cosworth in for the car i have now, beleive me i didn't want to trade it in, but needs must the company i sold it to in part ex, must be laughing. Even with the scrappage allowence, don't dispute people took advantage with this, but dealers knew what was going to happen so compenstated for. With all the new technoligy thats out for new cars, even as a hobby, i've had to invest money in the repair of my own cars and bikes, computer hand held diagnoiscs. It would appear that we are going to disagree even if we agree. Hope you find what your looking for. Hope lisa1960 gets what she is looking for from the trader or the small claims court if that's what she wants.
  18. Hi Dave, New post here about the DVLA, (DUNCES, VERY, much LIVING, AMONGUS) 1ST, informed them of a vehicle that has been SORN to them, was sent an £80 letter, then sent a copy of the SORN notice to the TROLLS. no action. 2ND, bought new car road tax expires, asked the company i bought the vehicle off where's road tax, informed they had sent info off to SWANSEA, phoned SWANSEA spoke to nice welsh girl RACHAEL, what a waste of time, asked about road tax, was informed not to contact previous owner just in case it had been sent to them, because of data protection act, gave rachael vehicle address, next day my car was clamped for no road tax sent e-mail, to said person, still not heard anything, still waiting, no wonder they live in valleys. sorry no disrespect to genuine weslh people.
  19. Hi Jeepstar and Dragons Dennis, I'm sorry to interject on your topic, i would view that lisa1960 has a valid claim with regards to purchasing a vehicle fit for purpose, if the garage owner did or didn't know wether the clutch was going he should have said so at point of sale, if he was trusting his mechanic who said it was the master cylinder, he should have listened. We are going into the realms of should this vehicle be on the road in an unfit manner?? I'm sorry to say but i have yet to see a poor car salesman, yes Jeepstar you may be an exception to the rule, but i have seen salesman gleeming at the thought of a women walking in to a salesroom and taking advantage, just for arguements sake how much did he offer lisa1960?? how much did he put her vehicle up for sale on his forecourt?? was this with what he did to the vehicle or was some unsurspecting punter going to come along to buy it. I do apologise for this but we should look at what lisa1960 has paid for, is it fit for purpose 400 miles in 5 weeks, clutch gone, the vehicle is an 05 peugeot 407 diesel, with 113,795 miles, average mileage is estimated at 10,000 miles a year, this vehicle has done 20,000 over a year, was she informed of the service history, how many owners, did her vehicle have a service history, is she the only owner. As Mr Clarkson say's buyer beware. I am sorry for going on.
  20. P.p.s. Something esle that gauls me is that after payment and complaining to marston and manchester mags court, plus telephone calls they can't be bothered to get in touch with regards to the heavyhanded tatics. I was complying with what a court offical (jenny) had told me.
  21. P.s. What gauls me the most is that as i have said before is that i was making payment to the courts the amount £25 a week, the amount owed was £482, less the £50 sent back that is what gauls me.
  22. Hi Ploddertom, 1, yes i knew off two, i also asked MANCHESTER MAGS COURT for evidence of the other, but because the vehicle was registered in my name i was liable. 2, no. 3, yes after he got monies, he said he was doing us a favour not getting the van it would cost us £200 more if van came. 4, receipt for £682.09p, paid in cash. 5, yes and no, yes he went throught the house itemising everything, kitchen, dining room, living room, 1st bedroom, 2nd bedroon, 3rd bedroom, garden, don't know what he was hoping to take from there. no he did not leave any paperwork apart from the receipt when my sister left the money for us. As for goods MR MARRS did explain that they could not leave you without bascics, kitchen, cooker, fridge, everything else was saleable, i asked what would happen if the value of the goods taken to auction didn't reach the value of the debt incurred, he said that i was still liable. So they would be back for other goods.
  23. Hi sorry to intrued, I read with interest that DUNCTON hold the registration document, ask for a copy of this? NOT PHOTOCOPY. The reason been on the DVLA, UK REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE who is the Registered keeper, you or DUNCTON? You say that they only send you a reminder for the road tax. I'm sorry but i'm going to go down another road here, is this vehicle insured in your name? as you say you don't own the V5C Document, what if you get parking tickets??? ect. Speeding fines, is this classed as a lease vehicle, that you are leasing this vehicle from DUNCTION???? I'm sorry but as they hold the V5, plus spare key it would appear to me that you may be leasing this vehicle without your knownledge. As for the TRACKER SYSTEM, you should have been informed if any modifications were made to the vehicle, to which this should have been made avaible to you at point of sale, which is asked on insurance forms, even aftermarket as this will reduce your insurance perminum. If this is the case you are techinally breaking the law, you are not the lawful owner of the vehicle, but an agent of the owner of the vehicle, who's ever name is on the REGISTRATION DOCUMENT. In otherwords if you were involved in an accident, i.e. you involved in an accident with me, i would have to claim from two insurance company's, you as the driver, who my not be insured, because your details are not on the registration document, and the company or person who own the vehicle, i.e. DUNCTON or who's name is on the registration document??? I'm sorry if i alarm you but things like this do happen, you could ask your insurance company to do a vehicle search, via the DVLA or do it yourself via DVLA, you can check with the DVLA if you have the Document reference number from the correspondence from DUNCTON. Sorry to go on but it is in your interest, and god forbid if you were involved in an accident. Hope this is of help. I'm sorry to fetch more burden on to your plight but you need to ask for your piece of mind.
  24. Sorry just to add , the bailiff did inform me that he has a higher jurisdication - more than a normal bailiff.
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