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R. Daneel

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  1. Thanks for your very prompt advise. will get straight on to Trading Standards and the Bank.
  2. First of all, Hello and thanks for such a great site. Have visited a few times in the past while researching my problem, felt I should register to see if anyone may help a little more in-depth. Background story : Mid-December, had Jobseekers disallowed for a month, thanks to unforeseen circumstances and with no savings, turned to Payday loans in desperation. Strange how my mind works under unbearable loads. The plan was simple, borrow £100 till the forseen date i'd be paid then work off the debt 10-20% per 2 week period. While searching came across a company willing to loan me the money and was happy in the thought of situation averted. Little to my knowledge I'd also stumbled upon some Companies wanting to find me a loan(happy to give names if needed). Who lay in wait for my money that was to be paid into bank account. Well payday came.. the Loanfinding companies came and took a 'Registering Fee', and thus ruined any chance of paying back the payday loan. I've since accepted that the companies are malevolent Entities.. to which I have no hope of reclaiming Monies from. Thankfully I've cancelled my membership(Probably the only sensible thing i've done since December) and averted them taking more. Only problem now is that the payday loan companies are taking exorbitant amount of money out of my bank account(some £70 of my Fortnightly Benifits of £135). Having gone to the bank to request my Debit card be replaced, they asked why, I explained about the payments to the Payday Companies. Their reply was simply to contact the companies involved. So I've sent an Email to the company and i'm waiting on their Reply. Any advise would be very much apprieciated. Also, sorry for the very long-winded post.
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