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  1. Thank you. As I had hoped! Sarah
  2. Hi I hope I am using the correct sub forum for my question, here goes.. Long story as short as I can. My elderly father owns and leases out several properties in our local town. Early in 2011 I helped him on finding a new tenant for one of these, using my name and contacts as a point of reference in order to minimize any stress to him. (He is in his 80s.) He remained the landlord throughout,I was merely a go-between, if you will. This tenant proved to be a huge error of judgement, literally doing a midnight flit less than 3 months into a ten year lease. She left us with monies owing, however as all had been dealt with by my fathers solicitor, we were able to utilize her deposit to limit these losses, although not completely wipe them out. We informed any services she may have used and passed on her most recent forwarding address for their contact. She herself never contacted us again, and her business has since officially been declared bankrupt, on the Companies House database. (We now have a new, and hopefully more reliable tenant.) About three months after this woman abandoned the lease, I began receiving unpleasant messages on my mobile from two different debt collection agencies, on of which was Roxburgh. All were asking for a representative of her company (which they did name) to contact them. Never has any message been left for me personally, & I reiterate that I have zero connection with her company. These calls carried on for months, and gradually I have built up a large list of blocked numbers on my mobile to aid me in ignoring them. (In response to the advice received on here in the past.) Finally these calls stopped, and I began to feel the fiasco was over. How foolish & naive. Now I am being pestered by a company I know to be PDCS. Calls, then hangs up and now a text message as follows "**** Fashion ltd, please contact PDCS regarding an important matter urgently on....." Can I just ignore these people too? I have no debt at all, not even credit cards, I have no connection with this defunct company, and her abandonment of my fathers shop was dealt with through legal channels. Somehow my personal mobile number has become entwined in the mess she created. (I should add that never once have I received anything in writing from any of these agencies.) Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated. Sarah
  3. Sorry to jhijack, but I too am getting peed off with Roxburghe/Grsham White. I have ignored many, many calls from them over the last two or three months. They have left two answerphone messages, asking to speak to accounts payable for a company that WAS a tenant of my fathers, with a reference number. That company went bust leaving my father, as landlord, in the lurch. All was dealt with with his solicotor and now, if Rox/White bothered to look on Companies House, they are officially no more. How they got my private mobile number is beyond me, except that I help my elderly landlord father with some of his business. The company they are chasing left owing us too......how the heck can we be chased for anything, when they were just tenants?? I ignore every unlnown call, have over 16 numbers linked to them on my blocked numbers ( and adding new ones regualrly). I am getting so fed up with the harrassment. I am sure any company worth its salt would have written by now, so I am guessing they dont know where I am. I am sincerely grsteful that my 81 yr old father thus far has escaped their nastiness. Maybe, after reading the above, I should try the answer and then have a bath technique...or the whistle....or the requesting details....... Its about time they were shut down...come on OFT, get on with it. Sarah
  4. If this escalates, be assured I WILL!!!
  5. Thank you so much for all your help and support offered. I very much appreciate it as, particularly as I am somewhat of a novice in these matters. After reading through all the replies, my intent now is to ignore/block these calls, until such time as they make a case to me in writing. I feel that any company such of this, were it of repute, would take this course anyway. I have never done business regarding legal matters over the phone, and don't intend to start now. I am certain that my father, who is the landlord and whom I was helping out unpaid (thus no financial connection at all), and myself have dealt with this matter through all the correct channels, and will explain such in writing if need be, offering the most recent contact address I have should it be required. As he is now 81 years old, and I am concerned he may get similar calls, and become distressed by them, I have taken the step of telling him there are some "[problematic]" making calls locally, and to hang up immediately should anyone such as this call him. I do not want him upset by this at all. As I said, many thanks to all. Sarah
  6. Hello. After receiving a call on my mobile last Friday from an unknown number, I googled it and found it to be from a debt collection agency called Roxburghe. (I then found out as much as I could about them.....) Today, I had another call come through, different number, but this time a voicemail was left. It was indeed from Roxburgh, but nothing to do with parking fines, imagined or otherwise. Long story, as short as I can.... Elderly father is a property landlord (commerical shops). About 18 months ago I "found"him a new tenant, who signed a ten year lease, only to do a runner after about five months. She ran a limited company, which is now dissolved according ot Companies House. I understand the tenant also became personally insolvent, although I do not have confirmation of this. During all of this "activity" my father (and myself) used a reputable local solicitor we have always used for our business. The message on my voice mail stated they wanted to talk to accounts payable for "**** Fashion Ltd", I must call Roxburghe and the case number. The tone was aggressive. I have ignored this "request", and have also blocked the two numbers from which they have called me. I have no idea where they got my mobile number from, unless it was from the former tenant herself, as I dealt with the inception of the lease on my fathers behalf. The solicitor had confirmed some time ago that all was settled regarding the former tenant, we have no connection with her debts, in fact she left owing us, which we chose not to chase. (It wasnt worth the hassle!) I have never been in debt at all, I have no mortgage, and small credit limits on my credit cards, which are always paid off. Can this company affect any credit rating I have or legitimately approach me? I am a complete novice in this area, and although I have never spoken to these people, I am worried. My gut feeling is that I am in the right, but am I correct?? I would really appreciate your feedback and advice, is ignoring the way to go?:sad:
  7. Hi, Sorry for the convoluted title, but here goes.. I live in a Victorian terrace, with a garage at the rear, accessed by a private road. All the houses in the terrace have access, as do some in the next terrace along, as well as the owner of a field which is located at the rear of these properties. When we bought the house some 14ish years ago,the search by our solicitor threw up no owner for this private access road, but told us we, as well as the others mentioned, had historical access to it. All has been well and we have lived in harmony with our neighgbours over use of this access road until recently. A brand new housing estate sprung up to the other side of this road, with some new properties backing onto it. IT is hard to describe, but the corner house on this estate has claimed (whether legally or not I know not) a portion of no-mans land at the top of the private road, but not attached to it. He has erected a chain link fence, and laid gravel, apart from an area with a manhole cover in it. Still with me?? Sorry... The problem is this, although he could have placed access to this fenced area from his own garden, he chose to install a gate onto "our" private road, and is now demanding that we residents no longer have the right to use this as parking, as we have done for many years. When one of the neighbours tried to talk to him, he became verbally agressive and stated the local councillor told him to do this?? I have a letter from our local council, written a few years ago to me, stating it is a private road, and as such the council have no interest or claim on it. Am I correct in thinking this man has no rights on the private road, and that we, as residents, can ask him to move the gate? He is causing some considerable upset to many elderly residents here, by trying to remove their limited parking spaces. How do we go about registering the road to al our properties also? This really is becoming an issue and I feel we need to address it as soon as possible. Do please ask me for more (and clearer) details. I am aware I have probably not explained it as well as I could!
  8. Thank you so much, this is exactly my problem, explained in a much more succinct fashion! We have spoken to BC fraud dept twice, since learning they had taken the £2.5k, on both occasions we were assured that the money would be returned to us. However, it became apparent that the first phone call on this particular matter had been ingnored. When we (or rather my OH as the primary card holder) spoke to them again, advising them of the time frame we were working to and the urgency with which we needed the funds returned, we were again assured the money would be in our account by today 30 April. We even reminded the assistant that this week contained only 3 banking days, but were assured it most definately would be with us. Of course it is isnt, so we are now faced with paying that bill via BC, incurring £100 charges as we cannot fund from our current account. My instinctive feeling was that we should now pay using BC, and try to reclaim the fee etc from them, as it is entirely of their doing and we have incurred a large amountof stress etc over this matter. I will update as things progress, and thankyou very much for your help. Sarah
  9. Hi, I so hope someone can advise before I make a costly mistake! I am utterly fuming at Barclaycard and their diabolical customer service. I will try to make a long story short enough that you dont doze off whilst reading... C/c statement, end March 2011, noted fraud of £2.5k:x. Called Bcard immediately, was told would rec letter to complete all details as given over phone, account now on hold. (5 transactions, nothing to do with us, card never left us, only use secure internet sites to purchase.) Recd letter above, however one transaction missing, called Fraud Dept who said add it to list, all will be actioned as discussed. In the interim, I moved a large sum (over £3k) into our current acct to pay bill that was due in near future. Refuse to use Bcard, as fees were 2.5% off bill, incurring extra £100ish on top!! When I went online to ensure my savings were now cleared fund s, yes they were, but Bcard had taken the full FRAUDULENT amount from my bank acct. Had I not had my holiday money in there, I would be seriously overdrawn and could not now pay my bill. Contacted Bcard immediately, yes, they said, you should have changed your DD amount, however it is variable and to pay off the full amount they ask for each month??? Surely they should have amended the request their end? I did receive a letter dated 7 days before they took the money, saying they were giving it back, but it didnt happen. They agreed to refund the current account, an were told of the outstanding invoice due and date we had to pay. Needless to say, despite several reminders, the money is not with us yet and the bill is due tomorrow, 30 April. My question is, if I pay using Bcard, as I no longer have funds available in my current acct, do I have case (or rights, as it were) to get Bcard to refund to my account the £100 odd I will be charged? I am so upset, and will be ditching Bcard as soon as this is all over by the way. Many many years a loyal customer, but one they dont want as always pay my bills in full every month, so they couldnt care less!! Thanks for reading! Sez
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