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Everything posted by craiganthonyhill

  1. I work for a security company as security officer. 3 weeks now. I've exposed illegal activity within the company, illegal operation of cctv without a cctv licence. I went on the SIA site facebook, my manager saw my posts, regarding this issue. I'm now having my probationary review looked at. The company state it's not a disciplinary hearing, but I feel it is. My performance is great, no complaints. Can they get rid of me, and what excuse could thay use........thanks.
  2. I have had a long conversation with the SIA today, regarding cctv operating and cctv license requirements. It seems primark croydon are allowing security staff to operate cctv without a cctv licence. SO if you have been a victim of civil recovery remember that.
  3. I'm checking with sia, tomorrow. But research suggests it's illegal. Going to confirm tomorrow with you
  4. As a security officer in primark. Cctv is done without a cctv licence.
  5. I have e,mailed Bromley county court explaining, I have issued A SB notice to both companies concerned. Will let you know the outcome.........cheers guys.
  6. yes a summons to appear, not filled in the statement of means as its statute barred debt
  7. It also says failure to provide statement of means, do I need to if its statute barred debt
  8. I have A Summons to appear over A statute barred debt. But on the summons it says Acktiiv Kapital NOT IND ltd. I spoke with Aktiv Kapital over this, they point blank refused to say anything about it just that IND were dealing with it. This is the second summons i have had, the last being 10 months ago were i went to the court to enquire about it. Last i have heard from them, UNTIL now.....Any advice would help me. Oh And IND are hard to contact, Phone number does not work, Just enquiry form online.
  9. thay dont, ever go to court unless you owe millions. By experience I would just let it go.......dont contact emm.....fullstop.
  10. what sort of noise is it where are your nabours, above, below or nearby do you have a camcorder on a daily basis tell me what is going on. is it kids or adults who are anti social. thanks craig.
  11. what were the noise levels from the recorders db. why did thay not take the noise diarys into consideration. all these questions should have been answered
  12. you could always pay the kids direct, there is nothing she could do about this just get the kids to write a receipt. If the kids do get a job as well as college, you wont pay. a friend of mine rang the CSA, the reply was, well you should have used protection.
  13. any extra money you spend on the kids does not count towards payment, Its good will gesture on your part child in fulltime education (you pay) if working as well as study. (you dont pay) a child in fulltime education can still receive money from you until 20 years old people think its 18.. deductions can reach a maximum of 25% of earnings. The CSA will not take into account bills, rent, morgage, ect.
  14. It depends on the age of the child, but the DWP will know if there working or not. or you could ring them direct.
  15. your partner refusing to let you see the child is nothing to do with the CSA DNA, the fact she has named you as the father is enough evidence for them to ask for payment but it is up to you to prove otherwise,your not the father. The CSA are brutal when it comes to financial dealings.
  16. in a nutshell no, if he is on benefits he will pay rough guess 10 pounds per week
  17. as thay are the debt collectors, thay buy the debt from the council. on the letter it states do not contact the council. but in theory you have payed so dont worry, any court will be on your side.just say you didnt know.
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