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  1. Sorry to hear that friend, without knowing the detail of your case, it's hard to form a view, but we certainly seemed to have similarities. Hope everything is ok, despite not getting the right result. Brian.
  2. To be honest, hassle doesn't even begin to cover the whole experience, it was twenty one months of not knowing whether I would be saddled with a debt of twenty grand plus for a car worth less than five grand. I feel my character and resolve have come through the toughest of tests, all of which could have been avoided with the verbal agreement honoured. There are harsh lessons in life, I've learned mine and will never be in this position again.
  3. Hi, Sorry about that, I was paid eight percent simple interest on all payments over the original £99 per month from May 2011 to November 2012, hope this info helps.
  4. Hi all, Just to confirm, all monies owed were finally paid this week (cheque cleared yesterday). Car was taken back, finance settled and arrears paid to me, my credit history was also compromised (previously unblemished) and this has now been restored to my previous status. It has taken twenty one months to complete and has been a nightmare, but I will be writing to the FOS shortly to thank them for their time and efforts on my behalf, I dread to think of the cost of legal assistance and although the process was long winded, it was made longer by Carcrafts wish to seek a final decision from the ombudsman after the adjudicator had ruled in my favour. If I can offer any help or assistance to anyone who is in this unfortunate position, I would be happy to do so.........there is help if you seek it and you are not alone.
  5. Could I just update everyone on my situation, having started my battle against Carcraft in April 2011, I have finally completed the battle. In November of last year the FOS decided in my favour and ordered Carcraft to take back the car, settle the finance and reimburse me for all payments made over £99 per month from April 2011 to the decision being made in my favour. This has been the most stresssful time of my life and at times it was hard to keep going, I did and I'm glad I did, to anyone in the same/similar situation, don't give up and fight your corner, these people can be beaten and should be taken to task.
  6. Hi, How is your case going? Mine is with the FOS and will hopefully be resolved before the year end. We have at least two other people on here in the same/similar boat. Let me know how things are for you.......strength in numbers! Cheers, Brian.
  7. Hi, Glad to hear of your progress, mine is with the FOS and should be going live Sept/Oct time. I have, after much negotiation, got Creation on side (who aren't actually at fault) and now pay them an agreed payment which suits me as opposed to the full amount. I have contact now with another dissatisfied customer and his case is identical to mine in all but having an independent witness. I am becoming increasingly confident of sorting out this mess, with the assistance of fair minded, neutral people. If anyone happens to read this and is in the same boat, get in touch and gain strength through numbers. Hope you win, keep in touch. Brian.
  8. Hi, Our situations are much the same, don't worry too much about breach of contract.......I've done that!........keep in touch with Creation and explain the situation. I now pay them £150 per month whilst my case is being investigated by the Financial Ombudsman. Go through the charade that is Carcraft Customer Complaints and when they have rejected your claim (which they will), take it up with the FOS. Carcraft are currently being investigated by Trading Standards.......says it all really. Please reply and we CAN help each other. Best regards, Brian.
  9. Hi, To save me getting writers cramp, could you give me a call on [edit] ...........we can help each other! Best regards, Brian.
  10. Hi, Thanks for getting back, my deal was at Carcraft Sheffield as well. I have just cancelled my debit with Creation after being given no real assistance or alternative. The question I have asked of the Financial Ombudsman is why would Creation pull the plug on a deal that would make them more money? My own view is that Carcraft who have washed their hands of the issue and blamed Creation, have told Creation one thing and the customer another, in that the customer is told they can disregard the agreement and pay £99 per month again, effectively rolling the deal over and Creation are told that they will see payments rise for four years way over what the car is worth. I expect mine to drag on for some time and maybe end up in court, please respond if you need anymore info and good luck! Incidentally, I traded a car in, was paid £4600 (less than market value) and the car was sold by carcraft for the best part of £7500!! Brian.
  11. Hi, This sounds familiar!, Carcraft have done nothing for me and my case is now referred to the Financial Ombudsman. Could you respond and tell me what your sister in law's deal was and who the finance is through and if her payments are due to rise significantly. I've just had to cancel my debit after being left with no alternative, another problem to deal with. Hope to hear from you and perhaps we can share experience and help each other. Cheers, Brian.
  12. Thanks for your input, I'm presently waiting for Creation to conclude their own investigation, rather cynically assuming that my complaint will be unsuccessful, my intention will be to take my complaint through the financial ombudsman. I've tried to avoid cancelling the debit which does not increase until the end of May, not wishing to add breach of contract to the problem, but this will happen sooner or later. Did your daughter have the option to hand back verbally or otherwise? I would expect mine to end up in court, which is not ideal, but I know what I was told and can verify it by witness. Please keep me posted, perhaps we can help each other. Lastly, when did your daughter get the car, mine was April last year. Best regards, Brian.
  13. Hi, Reference Carcraft. I took out a £99 per month deal with them last year after being called by their salesman. Went down and was told that because I had previously bought a car from them, I could take any car at £99 per month for twelve months and then either hand the car back, part ex at £99 for a year again or pay £528 per month for four years.....option C not being an option! This information was repeated by the finance manager in the presence of my colleague, we shook hands on the deal and he ringed my paperwork and said come back a month before the 22nd May 2011 and either hand back or part ex. Three weeks ago went back to hand the car back and this is not available, part ex is not available and the only option that is, is £528 per month. This complaint has been rejected by Carcraft Compliance Unit and is currently being investigated by Creation Complaints. Anyone going through this?, I'm trying to work my way through this minefield and would like to hear if anyone else is in the same/similar boat. Thankyou.
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