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  1. I See Everyone's having problems with cheques, but i just received my bank statement, certegy ltd took 4 x £10 from my account.. There was a number under the company name, Which i Tried Calling but after few signals it went quiet, i asumed it went to voice mail, so i found another number on google, but i believe there's 2 certegy ltd's.. the one i called was based in Birminham and they deal with companies, my account number was not recognised, they asked for my name, post code, company name which i don't have and never called me back.. The one you are talking about is based in Glasgow.. I Don't use cheques, i havent used my card for over 6months, and i have no idea why or how they can take money from my acount when the account is empty and previous payments were reffused.. Has anyone had a similar problem, or at least understand what could be going on?
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