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  1. hmm yeah but i don't think it's been quite 6 years though...
  2. perhaps i should ask them to show me this contract? i don't have a copy of it myself.
  3. ok, yesterday got another letter from fredrikson saying that they are prepared to make a final ffer for me to settle the debt to Lowell before recommending to our client that they instruct solicitors to issue a claim at my address. and i have 48 hours to pay. am i likely to get invited to a court? as i understand it the debt was paid off when lowell purchased the debt from tmobile. i have signed no contract with lowell (or any of the others) and therefor there is no case against me. do i have to wait till court to say this? i've got better thing to do than go to court. suggestions?
  4. hello guys. sorry for my absence. I recieved a letter from the Council saying they received my SAR and cheque. Then I received a second letter dated 2 days later (26th may), this one had my cheque stapled to it. Pretty much saying that the cctv data has been overwritten. as for the pub, i did not get any response from them. to be honest i am happy to let this go. this was a horrible experience for me and with the help of you lot i am over it. so many thanks to all who have participated in this thread. i have a life to get on with and i'm not big on punishing people even if they act unlawfully. i'm happy to just ostracize them. my friend who put the night on has turned them down when they rang her up to do another gig. the free market will do its job in punishing these guys financially. my remaining intentions are only to contact the guy who owns the pub. he owns many other bars and has worked with a friend of mine who has suggested i talk to him. once again, thank you so much to all who have followed this thread. it has been helpful in more than just the legal technicalities.
  5. Hello all, Received a letter today from Bryan saying: "Payment must be made in full within the next 14 days, failing which we will recommend to our client that proceedings be issued without further notice" Outstanding balance 136 Court fees 15 Solicitor costs: 50 Total if proceedings are issued: 201 Apparently I still have an "opportunity to contact fredrickson with payment proposal. So here is the history. About 5-6 years ago I had a contract with TMobile. I remember losing the phone that came wit the contract in Bournemouth. After that I don't remember what I did with regard to the TMobile contract. 13/12/2010: Receive letter from TMobile stating I owe £136.76 and that "On 30/09/10 your account was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd" (does this mean Lowell paid off my debt?). I also received a letter from Lowell breaking it down as £37.09 for line rental and 99.67 for "early termination fee". 29/12/2010: Red DCS send me a letter saying the account has been passed to them. 13/1/2011: Another letter from Red saying my account is still outstanding and they might check my credit file. And that they can use Hamptons Legal to recover said some. 31/1/2011: Hamptons Legal (actually just another letterhead from Lowell) write to me and say they are "assessing your account for legal axction" and they have my credit file. Bonus points for threats to use bailiffs if a CCJ is awarded... 14/2/2011 (Happy Valentines Day): They offer me a 50% discount amid a letter full of CCJ threats. 25/2/2011: Lowell Financial letterhead, "make us an offer" letter. 1/6/2011: Fredrickson "have been instructed by Lowell who have passed this account to us for collection of the outstanding balance. I "must contact us immediately on..." 8/6/2011: Lowell send me a strange A5 yellow card which reads "CONFIRMED RESIDENT" in big letters. The photocopy is really bad as the address at the bottom is only half visible. "This account is seriously in arrears and you have failed to reply to correspondance or make a payment plan. Contact us or we may pass your account to solicitors..." 21/6/2011: Fredrickson "pay in 7 days otherwise we will take immediate action" 5/7/2011: Today I got the Bryan Carter letter. What should I do? It seems Lowell paid off my debt.
  6. yesterday i sent my SAR's to the pub and to the council, recorded delivery... the saga continues.
  7. i have to consider the worst case scenario. and that is where i am arrested and charged with assault. i would want to be as truthful as i can so what would a judge say to me? naughty boy have a caution, or throw me into community service or a fine or whatever. what kind of punishment would i get? does the fact that i had already be attacked and verbally abused count for anything? i think not.
  8. ok, got a call from the investigating police officer today. he suggested that i take the risk of being arrested for assault myself if i pursue the case. i feel like i should tell him to hold on to the report but to hold off an investigation at the moment. then i can have a look at the cctv images myself before proceeding with the police... @HHH it was all on the pavement, so i assume a public street.
  9. woops, double post. thanks martin. So if it's a small claims there would be no need for a solicitor? as a freelancer i can free up my time for this a bit so that's good to hear.
  10. Right been to the police station today and made the report. Though I didn't sign anything yet. I have my crime number and apparently the cops are going to investigate. I haven't sent off my SARs yet... tomorrow. I told everything as I remembered, as noted at the top of this thread. You get asked all sorts of questions I was ready for. - Why has it taken you this long to report it to the police? I was in shock (!), i was figuring out what to do, i went to the doctors to be diagnosed and I have had work to do. This went down OK with the nice woman behind the counter. - How much had you drunk? Over how long? Less than 5 pints over 4 to 5 hours. I felt in control. (she added that bit but I guess that's what I was trying to say) I said I pushed the assumed Manager against the wall and it made it clear that this was after the initial incident with the bouncer and that the manager had just verbally abused me. I am feeling that this is gonna go the way where the CCTV footage is lost or whatever. So I think this could pan out many ways. I will call the Criminal Inuuries Compensation Authority tomorrow and see about that solicitor and legal aid. I've been told the Citizens Advice Bureau can help with that. So that's where I'm at.
  11. hhh thank you loads for the SAR! Also all the info you've provided is really appreciated. I'm relieved there are guys like you out there. I don't hold a grudge against bouncers in general. They are needed and do a very dangerous (and sometimes boring) job. I often make a point of chatting with bouncers to make sure they know who i am and that i'm not a threat. In fact I did try and socialise with this guy earlier on in the evening but he was instantly and rudely dismissive of me, which should have been a warning I guess. I'm quite busy with work for the rest of the day but I reckon I'll be sending out the SAR to the council and to the pub tomorrow. I want to mull things over tonight. I'm also gonna get the GP to send me a copy of her diagnosis. And I have zero interest in going back to the place to identify the guy. Do I get a solicitor through the police when I make the complaint?
  12. thanks for the info hhh. i have known a few bouncers as friends and a few landlords and bar staff though never worked in a pub myself. strangely i'm selling micro breweries to free houses as one of my jobs at the moment. so i know this shouldn't happen but it does happen a fair amount. someone has told me they overheard the bouncer saying to the manager that i needed to be "taught a lesson". that is the language of someone who believes violence solves problems. the place was a pub. it so happen a friend knows the owner who also owns a few other pubs. apparently he is nice guy. should i email him? if so what should the email contain? do i need to identify the bouncer? or will the police do that? i have just got back from the doctors. she is typing up a report of my bruises and fractured rib. that she will provide to police/solicitor. apparently it is best to see the police before going to the doctors because they can take pictures of the injuries. so the doc told me.
  13. makes sense. i should have at least 2 witnesses of the unprovoked headlock + CCTV, but I'm pretty sure the second attack I was dragged out of sight from the cameras. and no witnesses. so ithink all the evidence i'll have for that part is my injuries. thank you for your help so far. i will keep this thread updated.
  14. ok, just been to the doctors to check on my injuries and i guess gather evidence. they told me to call back tomorrow and i would be seen during the day. i have a fractured rib as well it seems. so once i have done that i'm going to go down to the police station. question, should i just be looking at the assault where i was headlocked, or should i complain about everything that happened - even if it may be seen that i provoked the secondary attack?
  15. i've been advised to see the CCTV footage myself first as a precaution. so now im thinking i will do a Subject Access Request myself first. just gonna look for one now.
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