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  1. I have received a packet from Capital One with a lot of paperwork in it. The package was damaged by royal mail. I have the 'copy' of my agreement, but it is just a short application form. No mention of APR etc on it. It also has a section about 'your right to cancel', which it says will be sent to me by post. Is this a copy of an agreement enforcable by law? I have been reading through the posts and have noted this one: Nationwide Credit Card Send CCA response to CPR request - Signed 'agreement' inside Can I also use this letter? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Thank you for your help. I have sent BOTH letters today by guaranteed delivery. I will let you know when I receive the answers to both the letters and then hopefully you can let me know how to proceed?
  3. Not sure how old 4 or 5 years maybe? No statements, always shredded them
  4. Hi there, I'm new to this site, so I hope you can bear with me. I have 4 credit cards and, since November 2010, have found myself in huge financial difficulties due to my partners business suffering a large bad debt. It has left me unable to pay even the minimum payments on these cards. I have written to them all explaining the situation, doing a income and expenditure form and sending them a copy, I have offered them all a payment pro-rata of what I can afford to pay each month. All have agreed apart from Capital One who constantly phoned me, even after I had written to them asking for all correspondence to be in writing. They were phoning up to 6 times a day, sometimes as late as 9.30pm, and were even phoning me on boxing day! I have paid them the amount that I told them I could afford, every month. Yesterday I had a letter fron Cougar Finacial saying that they are chasing me for the debt and threatened doorstep collectors or court. I telephoned them and explained everything, I was told to carry on paying the amount to them instead, but Capital One may still take me to court etc. and to contact Capital One to find out why my account had been handed over. I was told that I could have a verbal agreement with Cougar Finance, but not a writen one. I asked for the 'gentleman's' name to which he gave his first name, but refused point blank to give me his last name. Capital One will have nothing to do with me as it has been passed to a debt collection agency. I am at my wits end. I am so upset by the rude and threatening way that Captal One has treated me. I REALLY need help. I am at the end of my tether and do not know how much more I can take.
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