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Angry Liz

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  1. I recently applied to no worries and went through a detailed 20 minutes call with all of my debts and payments etc only to be told at the end of the call that there would be a £69.95 charge (they already had my bank details) I advised them that on no account were they to debit my account with that amount I could not afford it, that's why I was applying for a loan! I did not want the loan and ended the call. On 29 March I checked my bank account and lo and behold the £69.95 had been taken. I phoned up and they said I would have to write and ask for a refund which i did recorded delivery sent 31 March. To date nothing....so I rang them again today and they told me that because my debt had been marked as 'fraudulent' they would have to go through my debts again and prove what I owed before a refund would be granted! I have been off of work with stress through my debts and had been getting better but am now dangerously near to going back on my medication because of this persons attitude. I can't remember all of my debts as it's being managed by a debt management company who i am quite happy with, but all this girl kept saying was that they could offer me a better deal and that they had every right to ask me these questions to prove that i wasn't fraudulent! DO NOT APPLY TO THIS COMPANY FOR A LOAN !!!!!!!
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