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  1. The employer called, menioned about a passport which is fine, then the CRB. he offered me the post but said about the CRB and said you will be alright with that yeah? I said yes and left it at that. Yeah thats what I thought the CRB would rely on, if you have commited any crimes that arent related to the job title then why wouldnt you get the job. After reading other posts thogh my confidence isnt doing well, I quite certain they will get the CRB and say sorry you cant have the job. Like I said I have a job so Im not going to jump of a bridge because of it but would be nice to be judged on present rather then the past. NEVER GOD DAMM MIND
  2. Thanks for the reply, So is it a case of them seeing the CRB and turning me down or can they still give you the job. I already have a job so Im in a better situation then others may be but this ones abit closer to home. Was over the moon when I got the job but bit of a sucka punch when he mentioned the CRB.
  3. Hi, Went for an interview the otherday and received the job. The employer called me and said he would like to offer me the job, all he needs is my passport, certifcates and CRB check. I wsas arrested around 2 years ago for being drunk or a scrap, it was one of the situations where it was the wrong place and the wrong time, any way I just for a warning. I also was caught driving with out no insurance, worse then is sounds. The job is for an IT technician, it involves working in school. Can someone tell me straight if I'm def not going to get the job once the CRB arrives
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