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  1. Give who a try dx, my question was who to send to? I have had 3 letters from Aktiv Kapital in the last week offering various discounts and threatening various actions - am I safe to ignore these?
  2. Thanks for the info darrenfan - very similar cases indeed, hope we can both get our money back. I'm now confused as to how you are dealing with Direct Auto Finance as dx posted a link to a thread saying they no longer exist? Who should I send my SAR to? Should I completely ignore the letters from Aktiv Kapital? Thanks.
  3. How far along are you ukdarrenfan, is your case recent? Is your aim to reclaim monies paid? Thanks
  4. Thank you mate, so just to confirm - I should send a SAR to Provident (as per your link) quoting the policy numbers etc from my agreement? Once they reply is that all the ammo I need to reclaim monies paid due to the duff agreement / taking it without a court order.
  5. Yes Car Credit is the company I bought the car from, but they went bust so AK are the only contact details I have? Thanks mate, I know I'm dumb!
  6. Thanks dx, So I after reading that I think I should send Aktiv Kapital a SAR - and not phone them? Aktiv are the company listed on the new letters I am recieving. I still have all the letters from the last solicitors (Buchanan Clark and Wells) that tried this, and after I requested documents and sent the £1 PO I got it returned saying they wouldn't bother me again - but I don't think that was a SAR as that is £10...
  7. Hey dx (riddler lol!) OK so I should contact Yes Car Credit...or Yes Car Loans...or Aktive Kapital (the orig finance company)? What should I be saying on the phone / putting in the letter? Please tell me in full sentences as I find it hard to follow your style of writing, especially when I know one wrong move / phonecall/letter can cause so much trouble. Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm not claiming back PPI or charges, I would be claiming back all money paid by me upto the point the broke the agreement (by taking the car by force without a court order). I was also told in this thread about the "deposit fiddle" on my agreement which basically makes it null and void, but not sure how this affects me claiming back my money as per the agreement? I'm just confused as exactly what I need to do, in simple terms, to get the ball rolling on getting my money back - as there are so many things you should/shouldn't do and in the correct order etc.
  9. Is that the only / correct thing to do given I want to end up claiming my money back? (around £1k)
  10. Well well well, almost 1yr to the day since my last post and guess who has another letter from Aktiv Kapital - this time offering a "New Deal" where I only have to pay £800, how nice of them! Again I thought this was done with after last time, I just want to check if the advice given is still valid? Should I call Yes Loans? Yes Car Credit? Aktiv Kapital? Should I be writing to them or calling them (remembering the golden rule) I am 100% going to try and get my money back - this thing needs to be put to bed as I have let it drag too long thinking it was done with, only to have the debt pop up again and again. So could someone please point me clearly as to what steps I should take, and what I should be saying / asking in regards to following that plan. Thanks in advance! PS. dx: I have re-read your posts, and they are still like riddles to me haha!
  11. Sorry I havn't updated this sooner as I've been really busy. I decided not to call Yes Loans and am going to send the letters I sent last time to Buchanan Clark & Wells but this time direct to Aktiv Kapital and see what documents they send me back. If this is wrong please advise, otherwise I will report back their response. Thanks.
  12. hahaha, right OK I'm with you now. I let it run after the letter from Buchanan....thinking it was over, and could have done then what I am going to do now. OK well I will call tomorrow and see what they have to say and post all the info here. Thanks for your time, it's appreciated.
  13. Sorry, let what run? Your replies are kind of like riddles, I'm a bit confused? No offence intended as I appreciate your help!
  14. Hey dx, Yeah I have been done over, but I don't know why I havn't got my money back yet? If you know the answer, could you tell me? I will give them a ring tomorrow and see what they say, and post back here with what they have said. I will admit I'm not sure what to say, but I will see if they know anything about the debt in question.
  15. Thanks again for the reply dx. However I am a bit confused, as you say to ring "them" - who do you mean? Also in your last message you said to never ring and speak to them? Why would they claim it is statute barred, isn't that what I would be doing? I got my credit report from experian/equifax when I originally posted this thread, and there is nothing on there in relation to this. As I said in an earlier post also, since then I have been accepted for a credit card and a storecard. Thanks.
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