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  1. After reading all the comments about the car park "fine" I now realise that I am within my rights to refuse to pay. There is nothing in my contract about car parking and it is a private company that is asking for the money. I am in the Union and will seek legal advice if they continue to pursue this so called fine. Thank you for the advice
  2. I think my manager is involved because I work at the hospital. Some people have been threatened with dismissal for not paying the fines.
  3. Please could you advise me on car parking charges. I work at a hospital and was recently contacted by a manager and was informed that I had some outstanding car park fines. These fines are over a year old and were issued by a private car parking firm. The private car parking firm had contacted the D.V.L.A. and obtained my details. The hospital is now demanding I pay the outstanding fines. Where do I legally stand on this and can they deduct the money for the fine from my salary. I am under a lot of pressure from the hospital to pay the fines. I would appreciate any help and advice you can give me. thank you
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