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Everything posted by thrawn889

  1. Ok Guys, been reading through all the other complaints and problems and thought I'd add my experiences with Comet and their After-care services. Let it be noted that i am now on my 5 encounter with their After Care service and this is my SECOND laptop. An overview of my last few encounters, 1st one was delayed 2 weeks for return, 2nd returned late with incomplete repairs. 3rd time laptop was replaced due to accidental damage, took 3 weeks to get authorised and 3 £7 bus rides to the local store. I recieved my current/'new' laptop with extended warranty as a replacement product at a discounted price, because was a Ex-display laptop. I handed the 2nd laptop over for repairs around Spetember 2009 and it was for primarily the same problem i have had this time. Right my most recent encounter and this on going now. I took my laptop to the store, which i had bought it from with all the details that i needed, was greeted by the store manager and told that i shouldnt have problem, Even though I had told him of my last encounters with this repair centre; One of which includes my laptop being missing for a week! He was plesant and positive that i would have my laptop back on the 05 April2011 or before this date. It was handed over on the 16th March 2011. for repairs on the following; Screen flickering enough to give headaches; second occurance; Wireless dropping out; the Zero key sticking and breaking and the Bass on the sound system distorting, and the AC adapter port became damaged. I thought ok, this is good will let it run until near the estimated date of return. This is where all my problems started. I called their call centre on 30/3/11 got told that the laptop was now awaiting parts. and that they can take UPTO 28 days. The parts that the laptop was waiting on were: AC adapter, New Keyboard, IVD Cable. I thought ok, can still repaired on-time for the 05 April 2011, as long as they get the parts. so i left it a couple of days and got a call back from comet on the 4th april saying with apologies they would have to put the return date back to 12th April 2011. I then spoke to comet AGAIN me ringing them, on the 8th April would it be ready by the 12th april knowing that they don't work weekends. was told that a new screen had been placed on order on the 1st April 2011. But was due to arrive on the 8th April, and it was still possible for them to make their return date. I then rang them on the 11th April to ask whether it would be available the next day (12th April) or not. Was told the part hadn't arrived, but was due in soon. As I stated this was unacceptable and wanted to make a complaint was told to ring Head Office. Which i did, only to be told after explaining all this that she didn't understand the complaint i was trying to make. (She told me during this conversation that the Service centre had recieved the laptop on the 18th March but the parts hadn't be ordered until the 30th March (12 days later and the screen 2 days after that.) but she then proceeded to tell me the first 3 parts were there and fitted I am just waiting on a replacement screen, and instead of giving me a estimated date again, i would be contacted by the service centre directly. I waited until Thursday 14th April for them to contact me, NO word. So i rang the call centre again got put on hold and told that the part still hadn't arrived but would be chased and would be contacted again hopefully it would arrive on friday. I have called them this morning; 18th April now 32 days after handing them my laptop, and spoke spoke to the call centre again. Who inturn have rung the repair centre, STILL no part has arrived. But they would like to give me a estimated return date of the 6TH of MAY. so a further 2 weeks! for my laptop to be repaired. It was this point, that i almost lost my temper and asked to be passed over to a supervisor; and had to pass the phone myself to my father. Who upon explaining my situation to the supervisor, has agreed this is unacceptable as a time frame, and is passing this matter over to the Head Office Complaints Dept. and it will take them 48 hours to investigate this matter and decide, what is going to happen as this is the second time it has been returned for the same fault. My question is this; I've been told by various people not affliated with Comet that the law states a REASONABLE amount of time to affect repairs, some say this is 28 days and i think this as well. What exactly is a reasonable amount of time? Will update this as this carries on. UPDATE 1 - Had a phone call from Comet repair Centre to check that ive been told the 6th May.
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