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  1. postggj i cant thank you enough for the replies they are giving me the knowledge i need for now, i have been to police station tonight to report the officers behaviour etc and i have asked the inspector to talk with the officer to see which peice of paper he had been shown to come to the decision to let them take the car , i will find out next week . oh and no further action will be taken regarding the officer as he was rightful to pull out the taser according to the protocol we are also going to the MM office monday to see this so called BOS and any other letters they have that warrants them to do what they have done, i will update when i get the information . but for now thx for youre time and have a goodweekend i was attemtpting to put up the only letter they had shown given to us on this reply but i need to have posted more before the forum allows it i dont really want to troll the forums and put anything just to do this so is there another way round this plse
  2. ive spoke to her and she has said that when she took out the new loan the fella at MM ripped an old agreement up and got her to sign a new one , she doesnt know wether this or the previous one was the BOS , she had never recieved a copy. she is looking through all the papers ( piles of it ) for anything that is related to MM to see exactly what was given to her . she spoke to them today on the phone and asked for the car back they told her she can have it back when she pays £1700 , she said she only had to pay £170 to bring it up to date and this was discussed with them on previous phone call to them and they agreed to let her settle it on the dates on my 1st post. the original loan was for £700 pounds she had come to the end of that when she had the other which was for £ 300 , she has been paying just under £200 every month since the 1st loan and has only missed jjust after the xmas period which she then payed £ 450 the following month to bring it up to date . im also considering putting in a official complaint to the police on the way they handled the situation as i consider them to have gone over the top especially with the tazer gun pointed at me , i did nothing wrong , i wasnt abusive, my actions wasnt threatening i just told them i wasnt moving untill i seen the proof they could take the car , i was protecting what was ours, and as i said before the only reason i did get out was because my partner had screamed , she was man handled and has woke up today with all of her top arm coverered in bruises as if someone had wrapped a 3 inch rope around her arm tightly . im just wondering if anyone else has dealings like this with police and knows if i stand any ground on anything thx a slightly calmer stu oh yeh we have aquirred a new car thanks to a friend who said we can pay when were bit better flushed , so getting the car back for purposes of what we need is no longer a priority but we still want the car back as we feel that this is just plain old thuggery , and we have never even thought about not paying what we owe
  3. thx for replying so quick , ill ask in the morning and let you know as my partner is asleep , me on the other hand im still fuming and unable to sleep what would it mean if a new one wasnt done for the 2nd loan ?
  4. hi all , need a bit of guidance although i have read some posts and will follow up on some of the advice there, my partner took out a loan with mobile money , she got to the end of the loan and they said she could have another and as it was before xmas she aggreed, after the xmas period she had lost her job and struggled to keep up with the monthly payments although she doubled up the payment the following month, she received a letter last week saying that if she didnt pay on time she would have to pay £12 extra , the date which they stated was 26th april to have it all brought up to date , she phoned them and said she would have it all on the 28th they were fine with this over the phone, a couple of days later, [today] we heard a truck outside at roughly 1am! there was then a knock at the door , i went down to a big burly bloke he asked for my partner , i told him she wasnt here he replied we've come for the car - so give me the key!! i told him he's not getting the keys and goodluck getting the car as it was securly locked in the rear car park which he already knew. i closed the door on him and put some clothes on grabbed the keys and got into the car and reversed it so it blocked the pathway of the incoming recovery vehicle so my side was against his rear and remained in the car ( i did this as i had read somewhere about this tactic) and locked it all up from inside. i then see my misses appear asking him why they had come etc he said he's reposessing the car my partner asked him for some kind of proof as she hadnt received anything in the post to say they would becoming, he refused to show anything - she phoned the police. the police arrived and had a chat with my partner and told her that they had a right to take the car and that if i didnt get out the car they would arrest me , Again my partner asked for some kind of proof they can take the car so the agent showed a letter with the title "repossession instructions & authority" this was the only letter shown to us and the police the police officer stated they were well in their rights to take the car, the police officer came up to the window and told me if i didnt get out the car they would arrest me on breach of the peace , i refused to budge so he arrested me from outside the car and read me my rights, he asked again for me to open up , i refused again so they threatened to smash the window then the recovery agent smashed the passenger side window, the officer came round and unlocked the passenger door through the smashed windows and told me to get out , i still refused and told him that i hadnt been given enough evidence to show they had any right to take the car so im staying where i am, the officer then took out his taser gun and threatened to use it if i didnt move (was in shock having a red beam shining in my eyes like i was getting lined up by a sniper) - but i still wouldnt move , i only got out when i heard my partner screaming at the agent who had just pushed her - i got out to check if she was ok , at which point i was then arrested , i was told in the police car that they had the right to take the car , which they did take eventually , after the agent had gone i was de arrested and i came straight into the house to find some help of some kind on this site. i have read that they should of shown the bos before taking the car and if they didnt that it might be theft of vehicle, this was not presented so we phoned the officer up and all he said was that he had the relevant documentation on him and to deal with it in the morning , by which time im pretty sure will be too late im not sure what more info i should be puttin on this so if needed i will reply with relevant info , but would really appreciate some help on this matter she is going to phone up oft tomorrow also mobile money asking for the bos as she doesnt recall seeing one thx a very shaken stu
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