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  1. They will help if they agree you've been hard done by so to speak. I had help from the local MP with tax credit overpayments, which again turned out to be an error, he sorted it out and was dealt with really quickly. Unfortunately, as I don't live in the area anymore, this is why I have gone to CAB.
  2. It is obviously an error and they are basically being prats, try your local MP first, but if not get on to CAB, ask them for details of your income that they are basing this overpayment on, along with copies of the forms you filled out. They do have this and they must give you these details. It is all on the system so they can't say it would take a while to find it.
  3. If that's all you earned you should still have been entitled to it, therefore they have made a mistake anyway. It seems to happen alot and wonder how many people just pay it without arguing.
  4. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, since I have been in contact, I informed the council that CAB were dealing with it and if they wanted to discuss it, they were to discuss it with them direct. I have since received a letter from CAB, detailing what they are doing and the council have not been in touch with me direct. Make payments for the Council Tax though as this would be handed to debt collectors and there are some right nasty gits out there. Good luck
  5. Thank you, they have sent me spreadsheets with actual incomings etc including wages/tax credits/child benefit. This is where I questioned it, as I found some discrepancies. They then came back and said that there was some error on their part, therefore have reduced the total by £300. But, I have already paid the council tax back some years ago now, and surely if there was a discrepancy with the housing benefit, then there would be the same with the council tax and therefore owe me money on that, which could then be transferred over to the housing benefit, to reduce what's owing. Personally,it's a fault in the system and due to how long it would take them to deal with housing/counci tax benefit claims. I'm confused cos if I earned too much and wasn't entitled to the housing/council tax benefit awarded, then surely the same would have happened with child/working tax credits and would have heard from as well. Anyway, I have been to CAB this morning and the lady there is taking on the case. Although they have the right to have money deducted from my JSA, if it leads me to hardship it can be appealed, but considering I had agreed to set up a standing order then there is no reason for them to expect money from both jsa and standing order. So as it stands CAB are dealing with it, and once repayments have been sorted, then they will look into seeing if they can get money back from council tax which might be owed back to me. Thank you for the replies
  6. There was a reply to this from someone, but it's not showing. However, I received the reply by email. I can assure that I housing benefit was paid direct to landlord, I was not living the life of Reilly and am shocked to have been judged in this way, when all I'm doing is asking for help.
  7. Hi Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, am new to this site. 6 years ago, I was informed by the council that they had overpaid my council tax and housing benefit by approx £1800 each. As I was going through some serious personal problems, I didn't deal with it, I tried to argue it a few months later, but to no avail. A couple of years later, they tracked me down again and I made arrangements to pay back the council tax, even though I still didn't believe I owed the money, but due to debt collectors being involved, felt I had no choice. Last year they contacted me again re: the housing benefit, I again argued it and pointed out errors on their part, they reduced it by £300 but still demanded the money. I told them I was seeking advice, but the advice from my local councillor wasn't very helpful. Again, I left it, stupid really. I have just recently moved and trying to get my life sorted for myself and my son, this debt along with other problems has caused me to be ill. When I received a letter last week from them, I decided that as there seemed to be no way to fight it, I should just speak about paying it back. I rang them, informed them I was on benefits and that I couldn't afford much. They said they would send me a form to fill out. I filled it out, rang them, explained that I could afford £15 every 4 week, if I have any spare money, I shall pay it in. Once I'm working again, the payments would increase dramatically. The woman said they would look at the form when received but they had every right to refuse. I received a letter today, to say they would be applying to deduct the money from my benefits and I would be notified in due course. In addition, there is still a debt of £170 which is legal costs, that cannot be paid via benefit deductions, therefore, they want me to pay £15 every 4 weeks. If I do not pay that, they will then be forced to take more action to recover that which would incrue more charges. Do they have the right to refuse my initial offer, then expect that along with deducting money from benefits. I'm worried sick, cos I have been informed by the job centre that they have the right to take up to a third of my benefits, which would really screw me up and would not have anywhere near enough money to live. Any help and advice would be appreciated.
  8. Oh and to add to this, not all departments have machines, but they are trying to use the health and safety word, even though on our department, 4 out of 6 machines are leaking oil and have stuff underneath and around the machine soaking the oil up, but can still be quite slippery if you stand on it.
  9. Where I work, they have decided to find a new way to **** of all the employees, so I was wondering if anyone could help. As it stands at the moment, we are allowed to drink hot/cold drinks by our machines, but they are moving the rest rooms which means that we will only be allowed to go there on our breaks, and they are now saying that we are not allowed any drinks by our machines. There will be a water dispenser in each department, which we can go and get a drink of water, drink it there, then straight back to work. But we can't have bottles of squash or flasks of coffee etc. Can they do this? Given in the summer, it gets stupidly hot in there, and I find if I drink loads of water, I will spend half the day in the loo. Any advice would be appreciated.
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