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  1. I will need help to prepare a statement. I did a statement for my investigation meeting. Could i type this out and send it to someone who could help further and see what needs to be added. Thanks
  2. Hi thanks for reply. I think I couldn't come across how sorry i was for this happening. I've been that a letter will be sent to me this coming week with details on the hearing and i have someone that will Occupy. What will happen in the hearing?
  3. hi, had my investigation meeting today and it has now gone further. I will be having my disciplinary hearing next week. totally don't know what to expect or how to handle this.
  4. hi, I have my hearing tomorrow . I've been writing notes on what I want to talk about. Do you think its best to go in with these notes, as I think I will be up for talking about them. Or just go in with a prepared statement and go from that?
  5. Thanks for the advice everyone. im still waiting on when my hearing is, should I do any preparation for it?
  6. Hi, I have been suspended from work with pay for something stupid that I did. I sent an email around to my office (from a fake email account) about the activity's of some of my colleagues. The email was traced back to me and I was rightfully suspended. Only people who know I did this are the mangers involved in the suspension. It has been a very tough year for myself, me and the my wife have had attempts at IVF treatment fail. My wife has been made redundant and other family issues. This has caused me a lot of upset in my personal life. My wife has on many times told to get get counselling which I refused, as she could see early on I was getting more depressed. Unfortunetly this is too late as I now did something so out of character and hurt my career. I have been at my company for about 4 years and have a spotless record and always considered one of the brightest there, I have climbed the ladder so to speak many times. And done very well in my time there. And well considered by my colleagues and also my managers. After this happened I have also started seeing a counsellor as referred by my doctors so i'm now trying to deal with my feelings. I know I have done something so stupid. But I love my job and the people I work with and need to save this. I have the support of my line manager who will come into the meeting with me and show that this is out of character for me (they also know what I been dealing with in my personal life). Could anyone give me any further advice on how I can prepare and deal with this. Thank you.
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