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Fatty Jr

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  1. Hello, I have a question to bounce off some people if you will have a read. Is my father entitled to the statutory 8% interest on some money that has been held by a solicitor following a Vibration white finger claim??? He was paid out for the claim which was done though the National Union Mineworkers. In order for them to release the cheque, he had to pay an "affilate members" fee which was around £300-400. Few years have passed and it came to light the NUM shouldn't have charged this money because the Department of Trade and Industry was paying for the claims and fees. So he has had a letter from the solicitors asking if he wants the money which he replied yes to. It's dragged on a few more months while they process the paperwork and have decided he is entitled to a repayment of £225. I have spoken to the solicitors on behalf of my father basicly stating the money is entitled the statutory 8% interest since they would have incurred interest on the money while it sat in their accounts. Am I right in asking for this interest????
  2. Hello out there, I am not sure if this is placed in the correct area but I thought the banking area might be a start. My father was an ex miner. He has claimed for vibration white finger and won his case. he had to pay at the time NUM affiliates payment so he could get the money as their solicitors did the case. All was paid and forgot about until he got a letter from the solicitors some 6 years later stating they had made a cock up with the solicitors being paid by the government and the NUM taking money for services. There was a big bust up about it and they have got to repay all the miners for the money they took for NUM payments. Hope this is making sense. Anyways they have agreed to pay the money back but they refuse to pay interest on the money as they state they don't have to pay interest on the money. I always thought that if they hold onto the money that is yours, you are entitled to interest of 8% since that's what you would have got if you had the money. Any Ideas???
  3. Sorry about the posting in the wrong place. Here is a copy of the letter I received. I can understand where they are coming from regarding repayment, but I should be entitled to the interest on the policy cost that should have been in my account
  4. Well, I finally won a case against EGG for the PPI they sold me on my EGG loan. They are still refusing to accept my claim on my EGG card even tho they were both together:mad2: I got a letter today stating I have won and a full breakdown of costs. Well I am entitled to £934 compensation but because I claim on the PPI, I am entitled to nothing. Is this correct or should I challenge this for the simple reason I am getting nothing for being mis-sold and mis-lead on the PPI. If you want to see a copy of the letter, I'll scan it in minus my details
  5. It's like this, If you don't stand up and be counted, every government agency will take the ****. This whole sorn thing has many holes in it. People I know have been hit by sorn/re-tax forms every year, Some have them every other year, Some have had none. Some have been fined, some haven't I purchased a hijet van last year (similar time to the fox) and the seller gave me the whole v5c. I took it to my local DVLA office to apply to the one in my name and wanted to know what to do since the previous seller began to convert it to electrical power and wrote this on the v5c. I told them I wasn't doing this so they issued a new v5 in my name without the electrical part on. They have since fined the previous owner since I took the V5c to the office. They say he failed to inform them of the change when basicly I gave them the whole old v5c.
  6. Everyone reads my thread, But no comments???
  7. My father has the same problem, He passed his test in 1974 for both motorcycles and cars. This gave him at the time categories A,C,D,E. Never had a problem at all. He was involved in a crash some 8 years ago now in which his transit was wrote off. At the time his wallet was in the van and the contents went everywhere. When the van was recovered to our place, he recovered 80% of the wallet contents but his licence went awol. Never bother with it till I asked him to insure a trike for me. The insurance company asked for copies of mine and his licences so he applied for a new photo licence which came. When it finally came, he had categories A, C1,D1 and E but the problem is the DVLA transposed the old 1974 categories to the new european categories. We quizzed the DVLA about this and they said the licence was correct. They wouldn't accept the had made a mistake. over the next few months we sent letter after letter and finally got to speak to the cheif exec of the DVLA who stated in a letter. " The DVLA do not make mistakes........... They occasional make erroneous errors" We have provided everything thing they requested to back up his licence entitlement, but every time they move the goalposts. We even have the nottinghamshire police backing us up and the DVLA do not believe them. I do know that the DVLA employ a lot of agency workers who don't give a crap as soon as an old licence is renewed/replaced, they destroy the old ones. Even if you keep a copy, they still don't believe their own information I would post the link from a police 999 forum i posted in years ago, But I can't at the moment
  8. Have you contacted your local Mp??? Mine is more than happy to help me out both with my sorn problem and also my licence problem
  9. My father has the same problem, He passed his test in 1974 for both motorcycles and cars. This gave him at the time categories A,C,D,E. Never had a problem at all. He was involved in a crash some 8 years ago now in which his transit was wrote off. At the time his wallet was in the van and the contents went everywhere. When the van was recovered to our place, he recovered 80% of the wallet contents but his licence went awol. Never bother with it till I asked him to insure a trike for me. The insurance company asked for copies of mine and his licences so he applied for a new photo licence which came. When it finally came, he had categories A, C1,D1 and E but the problem is the DVLA transposed the old 1974 categories to the new european categories. We quizzed the DVLA about this and they said the licence was correct. They wouldn't accept the had made a mistake. over the next few months we sent letter after letter and finally got to speak to the cheif exec of the DVLA who stated in a letter. " The DVLA do not make mistakes........... They occasional make erroneous errors" We have provided everything thing they requested to back up his licence entitlement, but every time they move the goalposts. We even have the nottinghamshire police backing us up and the DVLA do not believe them. I do know that the DVLA employ a lot of agency workers who don't give a crap as soon as an old licence is renewed/replaced, they destroy the old ones. Even if you keep a copy, they still don't believe their own information
  10. I have read quite a few threads on this forum for quite a few years now and I have finally decided to join and tell you a tale of my problems with the DVLA I purchased a vehicle last year from a guy in london. Nothing new there. He was in a permit only parking area of london and vehicles with permits are required to be taxed, tested and insured prior to permit being issued. I went down, Filled out the paperwork for the V5 and he sent it off. The tax disc was missing but I had checked prior to going down that the vehicle was indeed taxed. Anyways, I trailered the vehicle back to my property and it's been off the road since october. Couldn't see the sense in paying £25 for a replacement tax disc as I didn't plan to use the vehicle straight away. New V5 appeared and filed away with others I have. The winter of discontent came when we had all the snow, Ice and crappy xmas and I receive a letter from the DVLA informing me I had failed to declare sorn or re-tax the vehicle and the associated fine . I couldn't contact them over the xmas period due to their holidays etc so left it till the new year. Made contact with DVLA informed them I couldn't sorn the vehicle as the vehicle is STILL TAXED and was still showing taxed on the taxdisc.gov.uk website. I was now awaiting the renewal form/sorn notice so that I can sorn it. This never came so I tried to do this with the V5 I received but not allowed online or at the post office as the vehicle still showed TAXED supposedly. The DVLA still pressed for the fine to be paid due to not declaring sorn. I asked again " how can I sorn if a vehicle is still taxed" No response. So few weeks go by and I finally get a response. The DVLA had issued a refund to the previous owner of the vehicle for the remainder of the road tax and not informed me of the refund. They termed it that the previous owner is entitled to a refund of the road tax EVEN if they have sold the vehicle. When you purchase a vehicle, you are not automatically entitled to the road tax unless the previous owner gives it you. So not a problem I thought. Asked the DVLA " How am I supposed to know that the DVLA has issued a refund for the road tax on the vehicle and I, as the new owner are required to declare sorn or re-tax IF the DVLA do not inform me?" Again No response until they increased the fine I have had enough of the DVLA by this time especially when you can't speak to anyone in power, so I contacted my local labour MP Glorida De piero and they are chasing them. They have already replied to her but basically gave her the legal standing as to why I am being fined. They have not addressed my main question which is above. Today, I have received a letter from intercred stating I have to pay £80 for the DVLA fine. I have emailed them and told them the fine is in dispute and you can't go any further UNTIL the dispute is resolved and also the MP is involved . What makes you laugh is they state on the letter, " you have ignored all previous letters" yet the DVLA have been contacted by myself and the MP. Also did you know, the MP's have a folder in their offices that contains direct telephone numbers and address for all government departments and agencies.
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