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Everything posted by Loolabelle

  1. Hi There,I recieved exactly the same letter recently and i will be using your template to reply, i have a couple of queries, firstly do i send a £1 postal order aswell? and also, i recieved a letter from Wescot regarding the same 'debt', i sent them a letter asking to provide me with details on the debt and they sent me a letter back stating they have recieved instructions for there client to withdraw the account and therfore i should recieve no further contact from Wescot in relation to this matter. they also sent my postal order back.Should i send a copy of this letter to Debt Managers Ltd aswell?Many thanks in advance.....
  2. Can i just ask as i'm in the same position, if B/Card send the letter confirming it is SB, do you then send a copy to Roxburgh??
  3. Thank you for that, there is nothing on my credit report from them and certainly i haven't been in any debt whatsoever for the last 6 years so my guess is as good as yours
  4. Hi There, I recieved a letter a couple of weeks ago from the above, saying," We have made enquireies for confirmation of you current place of residence. Information has been recieved confirming that your address details have changed to this address. Due to data protection legislation details of the account are not included in this letter. Please call us immediately on 0845 8386017 quoting the refernece for more information. Yours sincerely..... Any advice would be gratefully recieved
  5. Hi everyone... AGAIN.....i didn't recieve anything from Barclaycard in writing to tell me the last payment was June 2005 there SB. I really need this removing from my credit file now as i'm applying for a mortgage (credit score is excellent though not sure if that has any weight) so going to call Barclay Card tomorrow to ask for the letter, also can i send that letter to Experian? as the 'Date of Default' is incorrect on my file will Experian take notice of the letter????
  6. Okay, emailed Barclaycard requesting what they had verbally told me this morning In writing, referred to the woman I spoke to and that she gave me the email address, also sent SAR request with ten quid postal order, to doubly make sure, scanner arriving tomorrow!! Dubious about using the scanner at work so will scan all the letters and post them on here before the weekend, this is an epic!!! So if Barclaycard come back to me with last payment June 2005 does that make it SB? thanks again everyone for your invaluable advice!
  7. Okay just spoken to Barclaycard, last payment was recieved June 2005, Sold the debt to HFO Capital in Sept 2006, I'm receiving lettes from HFO Services does that make a difference? also the lady i spoke to was particularly concerned about the 'spurious' letter ive recieved and she wants me to scan and send her a copy, should i do this? she said she's made a note on my file ALSO... she said the outstanding balance was £907.55 NOT £953.55 as stated in the Barclaycard head letter, any advice as always would be gratefully recieved.
  8. Do i send a postal order? and who do i make it payable to? and should i send the letter recorded?Thank you
  9. That SAR letter states they are already communicating with me at my current address and that i should be claiming back my £10 fee which i don't think i should be??!! or should i?? can ammend this letter without invalidating it's legal standing???
  10. I could scan it from work??!! bit dodgy though....... i'll see what i can do tomorrow.....
  11. Oh crikey no i didn't my PC has gone crackers (like its owner!!)
  12. Ref the T&C's, there is a blank piece of A4 paper, top left hand corner is my name with my previous address: 12 11 High Street (for example) yes 2 numbers???? this is part of a previous address i used to live at BEFORE i applied for the card, on the actual photocopy of the agreement it has the correct address then my previous address in the Previous Address box: (confused? not half as confused as me). The in a square box in the middle of the page is: "YOUR RIGHT TO CANCEL: Once you have signed this agreement, you will have for a short time a right to cancel it. Exact details of how and when you can do this will be sent to you by post by us" then photocopies of the Barclaycard Conditions. Reprinted 01/03. Interestingly though is the 'letter' from Barclaycard dated 1 August 2011, it's to an old address one that i lived at in 2005, and clearly states :- The current balance on your account today is £953.55, i find the letter from Barclaycard a bit spurious, does anyone else?? HFO have obviously beefed it up to £1434, i will contact Barclaycard tomorrow and ask them the questions you mentioned in the thread before last, what difference will this make? also what is the point of giving them a certain time period to get back to me but they leave it 3 months, it makes the CCA request appear weak? Should i offer to pay a percentage? like i said right at the begining of this thread, i don't mind paying this offer but i dispute the amount they are saying i owe.... I look forward to any advice and will post tomorrow evening with my findings from barclaycard. Thanks again.
  13. Hi Everyone it's me again! I came home to find a letter from HFO today headed: HFO - RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST OF DOCUMENTS Letter says: This is in reference to the documents you requested from us regarding your outstanding BARCLAYCARD account Please find enclosed copies of the documents. We would request that you contact our offices as soon as possible so that we can work towards reaching an amicable resolution on your outstanding account. You can reach your account manager issue Submitted to Client directly on. We look forward to hearing from you. Enclosed: Photocopy of application dated 10/06/03. Letter from Barclaycard dated 1st August 2011 addressed to a very old address where i was at the time of application, heading: I write to your letter requesting a copy of your executed agreement for the above account another document adressed to a different address i was at before the one i was at when i applied, YOUR RIGHT TO CANCEL on a blank sheet then a photo copy of Barclaycard Conditions. What should i do? should i call them? it's obviously way over the time limit i sent in the CCA request back in May, would they accept a settlement amount? i'm at a loss as to what to do, i also thought there might be a statement of the account but there is no record of the account at all....... i'm at a total loss... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  14. Hi there, about to send the Aco**** in Dispute letter, i've been away all last week, still no contact from HFO!! Apart from sending the letter recorded, do i need to include a postal order??
  15. Oh I see! So it's 14 working days in total? Excluding weekends and bank holidays? Okay, I'll sit tight until the 23rd, I hope HFO do respond before the 23rd!!!
  16. Just to give you all an update, i've heard not a dicky bird from HFO, i'm about going to send the Account in Dispute letter tomorrow, i posted the CCA request on the 3rd May, they recieved it on the 5th May, so by the time they recieve the Account in Dispute Letter they would of had 12 +2 days. So my question is, is that it now?? I'd also like to say it again, thank you to everyone who has assisted me in this forum, your advice has been invaluable. Loolabelle
  17. I'm going through the same palava with this bunch of idiots (HFO) except my debt isn't quite statute barred, and i do want to pay it off, however i sent the CCA request last week which they have 12+2 days to respond to, they didn't respond to my prove it letter!! DO NOT speak to them on the phone either, DO NOT put your signature of any correspondance between you and them, just print your name, if they do try and contact you request EVERYTHING in writing and put the phone down, when you do send any letters make sure it's recorded, the CCA request needs a £1 Postal Order putting in with it, this comes after the Prove it Letter again they have 12 + 2 days to respond to the Prove it Letter, i haven't got around to ringing barclay card yet, so let me know how you get on.Also correct me if i'm wrong someone but if it's statute barred they don't have a leg to stand on in court??????? in the law's eyes 6 years is ample time to track someone down and get payment, you may want to check that.Let me know how you get on, and don't worry, it's easy to lose your mind over this as i'm finding out but the advice in this forum is sound and they know what they are talking about, i have had some sterling advice here!
  18. Okay, CCA request sent last week, i'm currently at work and one of my colleagues has just told me an american sounding lady called, wouldn't leave a name or message and hung up, i fear this is HFO, what should i do? can i report this to anyone?? (once i know for sure it's them of course) but we don't take personal calls at work and i work in an open office so even to tell them to put everything in writing and not call me again would be quite embarassing, i remeber there was a letter with regards to harrassment that i could send does anyone have a copy of this, sorry i know i could find it myself but i'm at work and i could print off the letter and post it before the post office closes.
  19. I think 'Watchdog' should do an undercover series on HFO, i work in sales for a corporate company and i'm really interested to see what there training and day to day routine is, i remember when they did an episode on 1st Credit, it was incredibly interesting!!!
  20. Brilliant, thank you all again for your assistance, i'm now going to get back to removing the dead mouse i found on my doormat this morning!!! perhaps i'll post that to them aswell!!!!
  21. Update: Ok came back from a acouple of nights away to find an A4 letter on my doormat, in big red type its a '72 - HOUR NOTICE OF LITIGATION' do i send the CCA letter now? the letter doesn't mention my 'prove it' letter (funny old thing!!) and say's,'It is with regret that we note, it has become clear to us as you are refusing to pay your debt........' and so it goes on with a stapled attachment (EX326 document) FAQ letter from HMCS???? I want to pay this off!!!! but im blown if i'm paying the charges!!!! just out of curiosity can they enforce the additional charges?? Any advice today would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Thanks Coledog, so just to confirm, i don't need to do anything else now until they contact me in writing? then i send the CCA request? as they haven't responded within the 12 + 2 day time scale, what exactly does that mean? i suppose if it did end up going to court then i can prove they haven't contacted me????
  23. Update: It's now 12 days +2 since i posted the 'prove it' letter and i have heard NOTHING!!! is that good or bad?? apart from the one time i recieved a voicemail on my landline i have had NO contact from them whatsoever, Now what do i do??? surely that can't be it?? surely they should of contacted me by now??
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