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Everything posted by Curiousconsumer

  1. I was surfing for some useful advice and came accross this. Whilst I might agree that Comet has a poor customer service, I also feel that you are trying to blame them for not being mind readers! OK, they didn't call you and that is bad. But you say 'We forgot about the camera' and expect that to be an acceptable lapse, but someone else forgetting to call you as unacceptable? Come on. Comet seem to have mirrored your incompetence here, which you seem to fail to see. To blame the lack of photos on this situation is rather poor. Most households these days have more than one camera. And if not then it would be very easy to find someone to borrow one of for a few hours. And on a grammatical note the word 'of' is often misused instead of the word 'have' eg. 'to HAVE bought a new camera', not 'to OF bought a new camera'
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