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  1. Thanks guys, I will start the process of complaining to the FOS. I will also send one last letter to Barclays because I want to clarify which loan agreement number that I supplied to them corresponds to which 'account number' they have quoted on each letter to date. This will then enable me to tie the two together when I supply the info to the FOS. Is it best to phone the FOS first for any advice?
  2. No, not been on the phone again slick132 - Promise! I had a phone call from my father-in-law saying roughly what the letter said and then went to pick it up this evening. It does not even say they will be writing again, it purely says; 'Thank you for your correspondence dated 02 October 2013. Please find enclosed a copy of our recent resolution previously sent to you on 23rd September 2013.' They also enclosed a copy of the original letter saying they could not find any PPI on the three loans (We had one letter per loan) Each loan quotes the last four digits of the 'account number' which bear no resemblance to the loan agreement numbers which we supplied to them so my next thought is to ask them exactly what agreement numbers their 'account numbers' relate to?? Not really sure how to play it now - we have already sent copies of the loan agreements - twice in fact but this seems to hold no sway with them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  3. Well ,after writing back saying the Barclayloan loan protection may not be called PPI but was essentially the same they have apparently sent a reply today saying that they direct us to their previous response regarding no PPI being on the accounts - with a copy of the original response from Barclays saying such. The thing that is annoying me is that I have quoted three loan agreement numbers on all correspondences and they have put three different numbers on each response with just the last four digits of each number showing. I do not know where these numbers have come from or which loan agreement numbers they correspond to but I assume they would be to do with the Barclayloan protection policies? (Therefore showing protection was in place) Where do I go from here? I am tempted to write back yet again and enclose more copies of the original loan agreements but not sure this would make any difference as already done this twice. Thanks in anticipation
  4. Thanks citizenB, I did ask on the phone and the answer was 'there were lots of different insurance but this was not PPI'. To be honest I must have stated three or four times that it must be as it was added on to the loan as protection but I was honestly beating my head against a brick wall! Look forward to hearing back from one of the site team.
  5. Hi, any help would be appreciated! I recently submitted a claim to Barclay's on behalf of my father-in-law who we found had had several old loans with what was listed as 'Barclayloan Protection' - we understood this to be PPI so put in a claim for a total of three loans. A letter of response has come back saying that they could find no PPI on the accounts even though we supplied copies of the original agreements which quite clearly shows the single Premium payment to purchase Barclayloan Protection. Here is an example of one; Cash loan Amount of loan £3,400.00 Total charge for credit £1,287.68 Total amount payable £4,687.68 Monthly Repayment £97.66 Number of repayments 48 Premium loan (being the single premium payment to purchase Barclayloan protection) Amount of loan £600.68 Total charge for credit £227.32 Total amount payable £828 Monthly Repayment £17.25 Number of Repayments 48 Total monthly repayment = £97.66 + £17.25 = £114.91 Am I missing something? As I said, any help would be gratefully received as I am unsure how to proceed? Barclays have so far been very helpful but they insist this is not PPI. Many thanks in advance
  6. As an update; I have phoned the Chippenham BDC and was advised that the 104 week linking rule does not apply to ESA but previously applied to Incapacity benefit only, it was also stated that there would be no record of my previous claim after a six month period anyway?!? This, however, seems to be at odds to a lot of current literature which is easily to sourced via the internet which states; 'However, with effect from 1 February 2011 claims for incapacity benefits that would have been linked back will be treated as new claims for ESA. Unaffected are the two ESA linking rules: a 12-week linking rule and a 104-week ‘work or training beneficiary’ linking rule. Under the 104-week rule, if you had a limited capability for work for more than 13 weeks in a previous ESA award and you start work and then stop due to ill health, you may be able to go back onto ESA on the same rate and terms as before. This puts a former ESA claimant in a better position than a former incapacity benefits claimant, who would now have to start a new ESA claim with the usual first 13 weeks ‘assessment phase’. Under this ruling it would appear to apply to my circumstances, I am therefore curious to know whether this will take any priority over the payment of SSP from my employer? Does this ruling therefore mean that I will return, upon application, to the same rate of ESA as previously and will the support for mortgage interest also be re-instated? I have also noted that if this is indeed the case then the 13 week waiting period does not apply, is this true? Look forward to hearing back from somebody!!...................Please!!
  7. I previously claimed ESA in April 2009 after 28 weeks SSP due to major surgery and returned to work in January 2010, albeit it part time due to physical difficulties. I continue to be under medical assessment and treatment to diagnose my continuing problems and shortly face two more surgical procedures which will take me out of work for between six to eight months. My questions are; 1.Can I reclaim ESA under the 104 week linking claim rule? 2.Are ther any rules regarding payment of SSP within the same time period? 3.Will an ESA claim take priority over any SSP? 4.Is a successful ESA claim automatically linked to Support for mortgage interest? I would just like to know what I can claim for as I remember the first three months being extremely difficult and being bumped from pillar to post just trying to find out. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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