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Everything posted by cottonbottle

  1. Hearing lasted 15mins Adjourned for another 30mins then giving written warning. Deciding if to appeal or not. Have been reading the Disciplinary and grievance procedures on the ACAS website. I do have one question though: If a disciplinary manger is investigating a complaint & uses email to gather evidence/feedback, is the accused (for want of a better word) allowed to know which work colleagues the email was sent to ?
  2. hi thanks for the reply giggins i have been given copies of witness statements & also the original email asking for feedback although it is being with held from me to exactly how many people the email was sent out to. Also in the email sent from my manager it states that i have already been given several " warnings" which simply isn't true
  3. All that the letter says is the hearing is to discuss personal mobile phone usage during company time. Are there any other issues at work that might make you feel the phone issue has an ulterior motive? Yeah i was signed off sick with anxiety/stress from october through to December. Maybe I'm just wanted out the team.
  4. Hi I'm new here, been reading through some of the threads on this board which has been helpful. Have Disciplinary hearing coming up due to unacceptable mobile phone usage. Back story - Work at a large company with an open plan office, last June got a promotion into another department. After a few months had a performance review where some feedback was given (from someone in another team who I have to interact with) that i was checking my phone too much (messages) OK duly noted, i had come from a department where the working environment was more relaxed & where this wasn't so much of an issue. Few weeks ago my department are on an away day team bonding session, my manager's manger is doing a talk & notices me checking my phone which they're talking( i was a little late arriving & my phone may have vibrated a few times, so I may have taken it out to put it on silent - having trouble remembering if i'm to be honest. Certainly wasn't sending any texts messages or leaving the room to answer my phone). Manager's manager makes complaint to my manager (after the event) who then tells that this could lead to a disciplinary hearing as it isn't the first time that this has been mentioned. Since then my manager has emailed selected people within the team to gather feedback/evidence & now has 2 witness statements against me. 1st witness statement was from someone in my team backing up what my manager's manager complaint. 2nd witness statement was from the person in another team who had given the original feedback except this time goes in to such detail that i'm beginning to think they're spying on me ( also i've noticed this person to have ipod earphones on at times at work but can't prove that whatever they are listening to is work related or not) .... So this is where I need the advice, do I : 1. Go into the hearing apologise for my behaviour & they going forwards keep my head down, be whiter than white & find a new job somewhere else within the company or .... 2. Apologise for my behaviour at the team away day but defend myself as i feel certain people are going out of there way to give evidence against me & i'm starting to feel that I'm being picked on. As i said before i work in a large open plan office seated near lots of other people in different teams & if i had to log every time I saw someone using their phone for personal reasons i would have a very long list. Starting to feel as if everyone in the company was being given the same treatment as what I'm being given then they would be no work force left. I'm finding it difficult to figure out how I want to get my point across & any advice would be greatly appreciated
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