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Everything posted by superhooper

  1. I have only whizzed through your post but just wanted to tell you a little about my situation! I have about 6 payday loans adding up to about £2000 & was really struggling to pay them all, so i cancelled my card & stopped all payments ( mainly cos they wanted me to make card payments which would mean that they have my details & can dip into my account). I contacted CCCS & am now on a DMP & the payday loans are getting about £5-£10 a month. I have been on the DMP for 4 months & the companies haven't contacted me at all. This way worked for me & I hope you manage to sort yourself out!
  2. I am just over 5 months in arrears with my mortgage company ( just over £2500) & i got a letter this morning saying i have 15 days to pay or they will instruct a solicitor to apply to the court to seek a possession order. I rang my mortgage company & i was told i should get my name down on the council for a house. Is this at a early stage because it is the first letter about repossession & we have now sorted our finances out & will be paying ( like i have done today) an extra £170 on top of my normal payments. I would like to keep my house cos i have 2 kids & will feel like i have let everyone down plus there is a few people in my family who would love me lose my house. Any advice would be great x
  3. Yes i have been emailing them every other day with a repayment plan but they have not accepted anything! Sure it will be passed onto a DCA soon so just hope they dont want the charges.
  4. I defaulted on the loan in april & including the one months interest i owe £500. I got a letter this morning saying i now owe them £715 & that if i do not pay they will pass on the debt. I knew it would be passed on but how do i stand with the DCA when they want payments for £715? Any advise would be great
  5. I wanna CCA the 4 payday companies but not sure what to write or weather to send it in an email or post. Any help would be great x
  6. sorry i not been on but lost my internet connection cos my car fail MOT & gonna cost a small fortune. Thank you for all the advance you have all given & i will CCA the creditors & check the T&C. Will keep this updated with any process x
  7. Thanks for your quick response, they want nearly £300 by 27th of may or it will go to a DCA. I really dont think i can afford this so wanted to no if a DCA would keep adding interest.
  8. Hiya, I have a catologe debt of £2500 which includes all interest & charges (i didnt spent all of this but my limit is £1850 so after running into a little bit of difficultly my mortgage & secured loan came first so interest & charges mounted on this debt) My question is if i let the debt be sold onto a DCA will they chase me for just the £2500 or will they charge there own interest? My credit score is rubbish so the main thing is paying the debt A.S.A.P & the catologe company will just keep adding charges & interest. Hope this makes sense & thank you in advance for your help x
  9. Thank you sillygirl I have just sent that email:) Had a letter for PDE yesterday saying that because they have not received any communication by me that they assume that i require the loan to be deferred! Dont they class the emails I have sent to them and the emails they have sent me has communication? This is what I emailed to them this morning: Dear Payday Express I received a letter from you yesterday which is dated 27th April 2011. The letter goes on to say that because you have not received any communication by me that you assume that i require the loan to be deferred! I informed you by email on the 20th April 2011 about my current financial difficulties and requested a repayment plan. Dont you class emails I have sent to you and emails that you have sent me has communication? I do not wish to deferr my loan but would like to set up a repayment plan as soon as possible so I can start paying off the loan amount plus one months interest which in total is £500. The repayment plan I can offered at the moment is xxxxxxx
  10. I had this email today from PTP and wanted to hear anyone thoughts, I want to email them but have hit a brick wall on what to write so any advise would be great. Pounds Till Payday Immediate response must be made via telephone only. 0800 234 6955 ext 6023 Customer:xxxx Loan#xxxx Amount Due £xxxx since 27/04/11. Dear xxxx Several attempts have been made to contact you, in order to ensure you remain a customer in good standing. Failure to respond leaves me with few options. It is in your best interests to call our office immediately; to avoid escalation of your account, possibly to external recovery agents', who are known to practice door to door collections, all your details that we have on file, may be passed on to them, in order to assist them to recover the funds owed. Pounds Till Payday do not accept private payment plans, but will do so if part of a debt management plan with a registered debt management company. For your convenience, there are two quick payment methods available: 1. Card payment by phone. Most cards accepted. Phone your Account Manager at 0800 234 6955 ext 6023 to make an instant card payment. 2. Online through Faster Payments. Please call in for our Faster Payments information. Please phone in to report your payment for tracking purposes. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please ring 0800 234 6955 ext 6023 today. Sincerely, xxxxxxxxxx Account Manager E-MAIL DISCLAIMER This e-mail & any files & attachments transmitted with it are confidential. They are intended solely for the use of the individual(s) to whom they are addressed. If you are not an addressee, any use, dissemination, distribution, publication or copying of the information contained in this e-mail is strictly prohibited
  11. Great point about emailing loan agreements might be using that a little further down the line x
  12. Update: PTP Not really heard from them except from the texts and emails but I just keep sending my repayment offer every other day. QQ Same has above. PDE Alot of phone calls, texts & emails but I tend to only answer one call a day from them & keep sending the repayment offer every other day. PDUK Thank god for PDUK I have a plan set up for 3 months then they what review it. This company have been brill & given me there bank details. If the other 3 companies dont play ball the payments I have worked out for them will be going to PDUK so it will be paid within the 3 months. So far so good & its not has hard as i thought it would be PLUS my mortgage was paid on time this month
  13. LOL Have you replied to the email? Am not making any token payments at all to anyone of these companies until they agree in writing to stop charges & interest cos I might as well just throw the little money I have in the fire! Am just waiting for the DCA then I will deal with them. Well done with wonga by the way
  14. PDUK I have received one call & one email. On the phone I got asked if someone could pay on my behalf & I replied that I shouldnt be asked to borrow from else where to pay them as its not helping with my debt (is there a act or summit I can qoute cos I want to email them regarding this) and the email just said it will be passed on to the collections team. PDE No emails but I did have 2 miss calls on my phone from them when I was at work so am sure they will ring back. PTP No calls just an email saying overdue account & that £59 default fee will be added. QQ No calls or emails up to yet. I was expecting nothing but calls today but hey theres always tomorrow
  15. Ya I just cancelled my card & cancelled the direct debit. I was worried bout my money but my wages was in my bank this morning so am just checking daily that no other direct debits have been set up by any PDL companies x
  16. Well its default day tomorrow so the phone calls will well and truely begin. Feeling very much in control already so hopefully i will be able to handle this Will keep this updated x
  17. Think the point is thats the payday loans companies usually put up a fight & its never that easy! Well done coalhammer Not to sure about them taking it from your card tho it will be safer if you could pay them & not let them take it for themselves cos there is some horrid stories about PDL companies dipping into peoples account. Hope it all runs smoothly.
  18. Thanks for that Kept it short & offered payments I can offered. Sure it not be long til they are ringing x
  19. How do i complain to Office of Fair Trading and Trading Standards? What do you think about this being sent to PDE? Thank you for your email. I have been given advice & will be reporting you to the Office of Fair Trading and Trading Standards due to your demands for information that you are not legally entitled to and your limited options to help me in my current situation. I feel I am not being treated fairly. Sorry its all questions but i aint got a clue! Thank you x
  20. I have emailed QQ again & have emailed PTP to say i received the call back and that now i await a call from them on the 28th by an account manger. Shall I email PDE to tell them that i will not be sending in my details until a court has ordered me to?
  21. If she paid by debit card the funds would have come out her account right away so get her to check then tell her to get her card cancelled incase they start dipping in the account. Hope it ends well for you x
  22. PTP Contacted me via email this morning & wanted to talk to me so when they called i answered my phone. I was told they couldnt do anything til i had defaulted (so thats £59 added to the amount that i will not be paying) and that an account manager will contact me the day after default. The lady I spoke to seemed nice enough & also told me to make sure i cancelled the direct debit. I no that i should keep all communication in either email or letters but while they seem nice enough and not trying to scare me I will talk to them BUT when i feel they are trying to intimidate me I will send them an email saying why I no longer what them to contact me by phone & anything that is offered or said regarding the loan/interest/charges I will request it to be put in writing/email. Payday UK Replied to my email and said they will contact me when i default & just that it could go on my credit rating but my rating is crap anyway so no concerns there. Quick Quid No reply has of yet. Will send the email again friday morning if still no reply. Payday Express They have replied to my email that they only accept plans under the following circumstances: Severe Disability or illness Imprisonment Terminal illness or Mental illness Deceased Redundancy or Reduced hours (contractual hours reduced by company) The loan is in my name but its my husband that has had overtime cut which is leaving us about £350 per month sort so i am having to use more of my wages to cover mortgage, bills etc They also want bank statements which I am not giving because they would need a court to allow them that info. I already feel like I have hit a brick wall Any ideas & advice would be great x
  23. Am still worried sick but I carnt keep paying them when am falling behind on my mortgage & bills. Have you had any dealings with any of these companies?
  24. I will default on 4 payday loans a week today so i have just emailed the following companies: Payday UK Payday Express Pounds til payday Quick Quid I no its gonna be hard to get myself outta this mess but i hope the companies play a little fair! Will keep this updated with any process made or any threats given x
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