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  1. Despite trying to set up a repayment plan with Tower Capital they claim through Northampton County Court that a Statuary Notice of Default was sent to me, which I failed to respond. But I did respond to Tower Capital yet they decided to go the County Court way to reclaim all the money (£376) owed. I am looking for a bit of help in dealing with this County Court claim. Thank you.
  2. I face similar problems with some of the mentioned Payday Loan companies where they use threatening language such as getting debt collections agents to come to my address, legal action (in red capital letters), CCJ and setting out what will happen if I fail to pay I will not be able to obtain any credit in the future. I keep reminding these Payday companies in writing of my previous correspondence that they will have to agree to the following: 1) XXX accepts my payment plan offer. 2) XXX promises to refrain from adding any charges or further interest. 3) XXX gives me their bank details for which I will deposit the monthly payments. To be clear, I am in no way refusing my obligation to repay the said loan plus said interest. Therefore, I sincerely hope XXX can sympathise with my current situation and in doing so find my repayment schedule reasonable. To make myself very clear, it would be both unreasonable and excessive if XXX found it necessary to add further charges and interest after the loan repayment due date and such conduct may go against XXX further down the line. I find it totally unacceptable that XXX find it necessary to threaten me with a CCJ or a debt collection agency when clearly I have been forthcoming in contacting you advising you of my current situation. It your threatening behavior continue I WILL take your threatening documentation to the Office of Fair Trading, Trading Standards and the Citizens Advice Bureau for further help. One Payday company is adamant that I should pay the amount it stated but this £40 above what I can afford at the moment so will keep pushing back. Other Payday companies keep adding fees to existing loan making it even more difficult to pay back the outstanding amounts. The difficult Payday Companies just do not want to listen because you signed an agreement and are legally bound by it although you have been honest in writing to them explaining your situation and setting out a repayment plan. I will continue to contact the difficult Payday companies until they agree to my terms.
  3. And there I was thinking I would be the only one getting myself into a right mess with payday loan companies. I have built up an amount of £4945 since summer 2010 and they will default on pay day later this month as I need to put a stop to what has happened. I have for too long buried my head in the sand thinking money would come from somewhere but surprisingly they never did although I did get a bonus at work earlier this year. The bonus I did receive did go some way but I still fell back into the payday loan trap not really because of greed but to pay bills and just living expenses. I have today told some of my family and will tell the rest tonight as I have been too proud and embarrassed at the same time to tell them before it all spiralled out of control. So it's a classic case of paying some loans off on payday then aoolying to pay others to roll over and ending up in a complete mess. I wonder if I have to cancel my bank account and apply for a new one? Perhaps I can explain my situation to the bank but they will probably not help in stopping my account being used by the payday loan companies to try and withdraw the loans on my payday. I have drawn up a 12 months budget plan to send to all 11 payday loan companies I owe money to with a covering letter explaining my situation. I do hope it will work as I have seriously learned my lesson and just want to pay back the money and be in control of my finances not run away.
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