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  1. Hi, I have tisacli for my home email and also use google. I have just purchased an Iphone and manage to get my tiscali email, but is there anyway I can set either my outlook at home or an option on the Iphone that when I delete from 1 device it deletes from the other. On the iphone we also have our work account that goes via gmail and 2 iphones use the account, and then the email is deleted from 1 device, gmail seems to delete from the other one. Just wonered if I can set tiscali to do the same ?
  2. Here is some information on it: http :// www .thompsons.law.co.uk /ltext/lelr-weekly-201-detrimental- effect. htm (remove spaces)
  3. Not sure if this is relevant, but I am going through an ET claim for detriment for a protected disclosure and on meeting with my solicitors last week he advises that a recent case at the appeal tribunal stage involving an NHS hospital ruled that it is upto the employer to show that there has not been a detriment and not for the employee to show that there has. The solicitor stated that this goes against other rulings, but its the most upto date one about detriments and therefore very important. As I said, not sure if it relates only to protected disclosure detriment or other detriments that are protected like hsa
  4. If an employee is suspended pending investigation, and the employer already knows that outside of work they carry on other self employed activities, can the employee spend more time doing this self employment whilst off suspended, obviously they will make themselves available when the employer wants them to attend meetings. The employees hand book states that generally an employee should not get other paid employment without approval of the employer - but the employer already knows that they have other employment but merely due to the time the employee has on their hands now as a result of the suspension is doing more. Would value your comments
  5. Thanks for this, yes I work for a local council and it does give them the right to do it. I am just confused, the letter from the appeal hearing does state they consider the original decision to be too harsh and therefore reduced the penalty to 4months. If I did something else wrong say next week then they could say "you are on a warning/demotion - so no more chances and you are out". I suspect this is what they are aiming at, my manager has made it clear that my days are numbered and they are annoyed that I am still there (personal issues getting in place of work) - I would love them to try and stitch me up thinking I still on this warning/demotion only for me to say "ermmm, nope not on it anymore".
  6. I wonder if you could give comments on an issue following a recent appeal against a disciplinary hearing. Following an appeal against the decision to give me demotion/paycut lasting 24months the panel reduced it to 14months, but on my official letter from the employer they have missed out the 1 and it just reads 4months. The letter is signed by the head of HR and states there is no appeal against this decision. Now, this means my punishment is now over as it happened last September. I intend to wait a few months and if I havent been given back my money then will say "I should have been paid from January" .. at this time they will realise their mistake. To me, the letter is the official outcome and if it states 4months - regardless of if it is a typo or not then the 4months should apply as to change it later is a material change to the outcome. Just interested in your comments/views Thx
  7. I am looking for some advice and guidance and I hope you can help. I worked for a PCT in Newcastle and as you are probarly aware most employees from PCTs have now been TUPEd over to another NHS organisation .. In my case its to the local hospital trust. The 2 are seperate legal entities and a couple of weeks ago I was given a written warning for making a simple mistake, I admitted it, however I feel the punishment did not suit the 'crime' and others in my same epartment who have done the same have only been 'advised' of the correct way to do it - I personally think it was due to a fall out with my manager on the day that resulted in this going 'formal'. Anyway - As of 1st April I no longer work for the PCT but the hospital and on 8th April, I have an appeal hearing set at the offices of the PCT. The 2 appeal panel members were NOT TUPEd over and are employees of the PCT, not the hospital who I now work for. I have googled this and the general comment seems to be that the PCT and its employees, now that I work for the hospital have no legal right now to deal with any aspect of my disciplinary as they are no longer my employers - obviously with the exception that if my new employers have given them an express right to deal with it (an then its dodgy and someone from the new employer should be present). I know that all I am doing is delaying things, but over the last few weeks they have made my life hell and they pick and choose procedures and protocols to suit them .. be nice to play at their own game. Thanks for any advice
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