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  1. Hello Honeybee, The outcome that I would like to achieve is the refund of the money that I am paying for treatment and for a RMI which I will have to have if the pain continue. I have some doubt about the way that the lesson has been handled (brand new instructor, strange behaviour of the horse...) but that would be difficult to prove so I prefer to say that it was not the fault of the establishment. I spoke the BHS again this morning and they told me that the establishment has to have a public liability insurance but they were not able to tell me if their insurance has to cover costs related to the post-injury treatment. How can I check if the instructor has an insurance? The establishment wrote me that their insurance does not cover injuries to the rider and they certainly won't help him if I ask them about the insurance of the instructor. Thank you very much for trying to help me. I feel very like that I ended up with just a painful injury which can hopefully be solved with treatment and a few month of patience but I still do not want that the establishment get away with it if they are not acting in the right way. Regards, Sandra
  2. Dear all, I fell off the horse while cantering in the park (the horse suddenly turned right and I lost my balance). I was together with the teacher of the establishment and I was having a private lesson. I injured my shoulder and things are getting very long, there is a risk of an injury to the ligaments and I will have to have some more tests and treatments. The establishment filled and asked me to sign a report but they told me that they are not supposed to have an insurance covering injuries cased to riders. The BHS says the opposite. Is there anybody who knows what is the rule? Thank you!
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